Chapter 23: Cabin group

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Clementine's POV

I was trying to open my eyes as I heard lots of voices around me.

???: Don't you tell me that! Not with what fucking happened.

???: Would someone mind telling me what the FUCK is going on here?

Pete: Now hold on Rebecca.

???: We got this, don't worry.

Rebecca: Like hell you do. Did anyone even think to ask where these two came from? For all we know they could be working with Carver!

Duck: Carver?

Y/N: Who the hell is Carver?

Clementine: I'm not wor--

The one of the guys shot his shotgun near me. which scared me and my ears were ringing. Duck and Y/N ran to me.

Y/N: Clem! Are you alright?!

Pete: Keep your finger off the trigger, boy!

Luke came out of the cabin.

Luke: Whoa! Whoa! What the fuck?!

Rebecca: You idiot! Every lurker for five miles probably heard that!

???: You're the one telling me to fucking shoot her!

???: Everybody just calm down for a second!

Luke: Clementine, are you okay?

Clementine: We're not working for anyone.

Duck: We don't even know what you are talking about.

Clementine: I just need help.

Luke: We got a doctor right here, okay. Now what the hell is wrong with you people?! Okay, she's just scared!

Rebecca: We're all scared, Luke. Don't act like we're the one's being irrational cause we don't buy this bullshit story.

???: No way they survived out here on their own! Why are we even arguing about this?!

Carlos: Let me take a look.

Luke: It's okay. He's a doctor.

I show the doctor my bite.

???: Damn, that must've hurt.

Carlos: Whatever it was, it got you good.

???: This ain't how we do things, man. When you're bit, you get put down. End of story. I'm not going through this again.

Luke: No one is suggesting that Nick.

Pete: We could take her arm off.

I gasp, Y/N and Duck looked at Pete in fear and shock.

The door opens and it reveals a girl, a little older then me, Y/N, and Duck.

Girl: Who are they?

Carlos: Sarah? What'd I say? Stay inside.

She then closes the door.

Y/N: We don't mean to be trouble.

Clementine: We just want to stop the bleeding and I'll go. You'll never see us again.

Carlos: And where exactly would you go?

Y/N: To a place called Wellington.

The group makes a circle to determine what to do with me. I can tell Y/N and Duck is worried.

Carlos: A bite like that... could be anything.


Nick: You better cool it!

Y/N: Or what?!

Nick then stayed silent.

Duck: Once again, people thought I was the dumb one.

Carlos: We can lock her in the shed.


Clementine: What about my arm? It needs to get cleaned, and stitched and bandaged.

Luke: The girl is in bad shape, Carlos.

???: We have that stuff in the cabin, we could probably...

Rebecca: ALVIN, please.

Alvin: But yeah, we can't do nothing

Carlos: The two boys can come in with us.

Y/N: NO! I am not leaving Clem in there alone!

Clementine: But Y/N, you can get food. You can--

Y/N: I'm not leaving you Clem.

I then give him a smile.

Duck: I'm with them.

Nick: Fine, let's go you three

We then go inside the shed and they lock it.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now