Chapter 101: Voted out

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Me and Clem are sitting on our bed while everyone is still voting, Clem is laying her head on my shoulder as I lay mine on her head. AJ is kicking the wall over and over again. Me and Clem get sick of it.

Clementine: AJ, stop. You'll break your toe or something.

Y/N: Come here, sit down.

AJ: No!

He kicks it one more time then looks at us.

AJ: It didn't work! I did what you guys said, and they didn't even care! I know that I was bad, but they don't wanna let me fix it!

Clementine: AJ, breathe. Remember what we do when we are mad?

AJ kicks the wall again.

Clementine: C'mon. You don't wanna be loud, do you?

AJ stops kicking the wall.

AJ: We stop, and think, and um... I'm still really, really mad. I know that I'm not supposed to get mad. Or sad. Because then I do dumb things.

Y/N: You have every reason to be upset. But we can deal with that.

AJ: Okay.

Clementine: We stop, we think, and we...

AJ: Breathe.

He takes a few breathes.

Y/N: Feel better?

Clementine: Still mad, huh?

AJ: And, uh... I think I'm sad, too.

AJ sits in the middle of us, me and Clem wrap one of our arms around him.

AJ: I did what you guys told me too.

Y/N: We know. You're a good listener.

AJ: I wanted to make them all feel better. It didn't work. Why did you guys tell me to do that if it doesn't work?

Y/N: We thought they would listen. We didn't realize, we didn't know how bad it would be. It's our fault they got angry.

AJ: They hate me. Not you guys.

Y/N: I think they hate all of us.

AJ: I don't wanna go.

Clementine: We know.

AJ: I like knowing where we are all the time. The bed, the food. I like the other kids. Not all of them, but Tenn, and Louis, and Violet.

We hear a knock and Louis and Violet walk in.

Violet: We took the vote. You and your group have to leave.

AJ: Don't we get a vote. I vote we stay.

Louis: That's not how it works.

Violet: Maybe it should be.

Louis: You don't have to like it.

Violet: Good, because I don't.

Y/N: Fine, we get it. We have to leave.

Violet: That's it? You know this is fucking wrong, and you won't fight it at all?

Y/N: There's nothing we can do about it.

Louis: That's right.

Clementine: Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Louis: What'll help me sleep at night is knowing you guys are gone.

Violet: You can be such a shithead, Louis.

Louis: You said you'd go along with it if we voted fairly.

Violet: It's bullshit, and you'd know it if you weren't so used to burying your head in the sand.

Louis: I'm burying my head in the sand? Hate Marlon all you want, but you can't tell me AJ isn't dangerous, too.

Louis looks guilty. but he quickly gets back to being mad at AJ. Violet looks at us.

Violet: We'll wait for you to pack up, then we'll get your friends, then Louis and I'll escort you out past the safe zone. We'll make sure you get to the road safely. It's not a lot, but at least you won't die on the way.

Louis: We could've happily dumped you outside the gates.

Y/N: Thanks for making sure that we-

AJ: Don't thank them! It's their fault we gotta leave! They're gonna get rid of us!

Louis: Get him under control.

Clementine: AJ, breathe.

He takes a few breathes.

AJ: Where's Tenn? I gotta say goodbye.

Violet: He is upset about the vote. He won't talk to anyone. He wanted you to stay.

Louis: Does AJ have that gun?

AJ grabs his gun.

Louis: Hand it over.

Violet: Is this necessary?

Louis: Hell yes, it's necessary.

Y/N: If you think we are giving you his gun, you are out of your damn mind.

Louis: Fine, let the kid keep the murder weapon.

Me and Clem put on our hats and grab our bags. We then leave the room and follow Louis and Violet. We get the others and head out the dorms.

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