Chapter 93: Hunting

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Me, Duck, Louis, and Aasim are out in the woods hunting for food.

Aasim: Hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers. Sometimes they get caught in the snares and shit, though. You see a ribbon on a tree, traps are nearby. So watch your step.

Louis: Please, I think I can handle myself. I'm basically a ninja.

I look at Louis.

Y/N: Really? I thought I was the only ninja here.

Duck: Me too.

I do a ninja pose. Duck and Louis does the same.

Aasim: Oh my god.

We continue walking.

Aasim: We've got work to do. Not all of us like being Marlon's lapdog.

Louis: Someone's a little jealous. In my defense, I totally get things done. I just prefer to think survival as more of to day task. So, you know, don't sweat the technique.

Y/N: Survival is hard. I lasted this long because I know how to survive. And you need a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

Aasim: Damn right.

Louis: I don't need approval from anybody. I kept myself alive this long doing what I'm doing.

Aasim: You act like you're the only one with a strategy. I play the long game. You've gotta have plans B, C, and D.

Louis: And what if you don't make it that far.

I then hear a walker from somewhere.

Y/N: Shh.

We all stop walking to hear the walker. We go near the sound to find the walker upside down trapped in on of the traps.

Louis: Ha! Hey, check this guy out. He's like a walker pinata!

Louis then starts to tap the walker with "Chairles".

Aasim: Cut it down, fix the snare, and let's go.

Louis: I will, I will! Eventually.

Aasim looks at me.

Aasim: If you want food for your girlfriend and your kid, I could use a hand. Or you can mess with this idiot and starve. It's up to you.

Louis: "Or you can starve." So dramatic.

I look at Aasim.

Duck: Let me handle this.

He walks over to Louis.

Aasim: Thanks for taking this seriously. I'll never understand that idiot. You a good shot?

Y/N: Yeah.

Aasim hands me his bow and arrows.

Aasim: Good. I'll chase them out of the bush and you'll shoot them.

Aasim got rabbits to come in my sight. I shoot them down.

Aasim: You weren't lying. You're a damn good shot. Gonna need a few more like this if we're hoping to eat, though.

He picks up the rabbits and scares another rabbit into my sight. I shoot it.

Aasim: You nailed it. Good job.

He picks up the rabbit.

Louis: Guys!

We walk over to Louis. He was looking at a baby rabbit who was in a trap.

Duck: It's a baby rabbit.

Louis: All meat is good meat.

Aasim: It's not enough. Release it, let it get bigger.

I walk up to the rabbit and release it.

Louis: You let it go?

Y/N: I'm not killing a baby rabbit. We already have enough anyways. Like Aasim said. It was have more meat when it grows.

Louis: Okay.

Aasim: Thanks to you Y/N, we got more then I thought we would. We can go.

I give Aasim back his bow and arrows.

Aasim: You two should meet up with the girls and the kid. See if they got fish. See ya.

Aasim walks away.

Louis: They should be at the shack, follow me.

We walk off to find Clem, AJ, and the others.

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