Chapter 53: Ice

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We are still walking to find this house.

Kenny: How much further?

Arvo: Close. Very close.

Kenny: You've been saying that every time I ask.

Arvo: Please. Come.

We see a walker behind Kenny.

Lee: Kenny! Look out!

Kenny turns around.

Kenny: What the fuck?!

The walker takes him down.

Bonnie: Kenny!

I run over to him and shoot the walker on top of him.

Kenny: Jesus Christ.

Jane: Let's move. Walkers probably heard that.

We then continue to follow Arvo.

Arvo: There.

We see a half built house.

Kenny: That piece of shit?

Lee: It's half built.

Jane: We're here for the supplies.

Y/N: It looks like it's empty.

Kenny: If it is. Kid will wish it wasn't.

Mike: Are we just gonna walk over?

Bonnie: Maybe there is a way around.

Luke: I don't see any.

Arvo then start speaking Russian.

Kenny: Say it in American, asshole.

Arvo: Is okay. Walk. Ice.

Kenny: No shit, ice. That's the problem.

Carley: I don't trust the ice, it could break.

Clementine: If we just go real slow, it'll probably be okay.

Bonnie: No need to rush this.

Jane: Let's spread out. Less weight the better.

Kenny: Let the Ruskie go first... since he's so confident.

We all start walking on the ice. Walkers then start coming. Arvo was walking faster.

Sarita: Hey! Stay with us!

Walkers then fell in the water breaking the ice. Arvo started running.

Kenny: Hey! Motherfucker.

Kenny started running after Arvo.

Kenny: Get back here, you piece of shit!

Arvo broke the ice and his legs were in the water. Kenny pulled him out. Mike made it to them.

Jane: Well, they made it.

We then look back to see Luke standing on cracks on the ice. He was gonna fall. Bonnie tried walking to him.

Luke: Don't come over here.

Bonnie: You got walkers on the way. Let me help you.

Luke: It's too thin for both of us. I just... I just gotta be careful.

The ice broke and Luke's leg was in the water.

Bonnie: Luke, no!

Me and Clem start running to him.

Luke: Stop. Stop!

Y/N: The walkers are almost here!

Clementine: Hurry!

Bonnie looks at me and Clem.

Bonnie: One of you can help.

Luke: No! You're gonna fall.

Bonnie: You are light. One of you can do it.

Luke: Stop telling them that! Y/N! Clem! Look at me. Pull out your guns and shoot the walkers, Okay?

Clem got her gun out. I started walking towards Luke.

Clementine: Y/N! What are you doing?!

Luke: Y/N no!

Kenny: Y/N stop!

Lee: Y/N get back over here!

Carley: Y/N!

Sarita: Y/N! You're gonna fall in!

Duck: Y/N! Get back here please!

I ignored them as I walk to Luke. I make it to him.

Y/N: I got you!

I reach my hand out as Luke did the same. But then the ice broke as I fell in the water.

Clementine's POV

I saw Y/N fall in the water with Luke. My heart skipped a few beats.

Clementine: Y/N!!!!!

I run to where he fell. I was trying to look for him in the water. I then hear banging on the ice. I run to it to see Y/N hitting the ice from below.

Clementine: Y/N!!!!

I start hitting the ice below him with my gun.

Clementine: Y/N!!!!!! Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!

Tears was now falling down my face as I was still hitting the ice. I was now crying.

Clementine: Y/N!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!! NOT YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!

I then see Y/N close his eyes and starting to sink.

Clementine: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started hitting on the ice faster. It thankfully broke. Jane came over and was able to grab Y/N before he sunk below our reach and pulled him out of the water. She laid him down on the ice and started to press on his chest. I was praying quietly to myself.

Clementine: Please. Please. Please. Stay with me Y/N. I can't lose you. I can't lose you too.

Jane: He needs CPR.

As she said that, I quickly pinched his nose, opening his mouth. And I lean closer to his face. I start giving him air. My lips connecting with his. Y/N started moving. I got off him as He sat up and coughed out water. I quickly hugged him tightly, crying on his shoulder.

Clementine: Y/N! Thank God you're alive!

He hugged me back. I can tell he was cold because he was shivering.

Y/N: L-L-Luke d-d-did-didn't m-m-ma-make it.

Clementine: There wasn't anything you could have done. It wasn't your fault.

Jane picked him up.

Jane: We need to get him inside. He needs a fire. He is going to freeze to death.

Me and Jane then started running towards the house.

Kenny: How the fuck did that happen?!


We then get inside the house.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now