Chapter 54: The house

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Everyone runs inside the house. Jane was carrying me as Clem stayed with me.

Jane: There's a fireplace.

Jane puts me down.

Jane: We have to get him warm. He's gonna freeze to death!

Mike: He's just gone... Luke's fucking gone.

Y/N: It happened too fast...

Clementine: It's okay Y/N. It's not your fault.

Clem wrapped her arms around me. Trying to get me warm.

Kenny: She's right, Y/N. This ain't on you.

Lee: I wish there was another way... but there is nothing.

He then looks at Arvo.

Kenny: You son of a bitch. This is your fucking fault!

Lee: Kenny has a point.

Mike: This is crazy.

Kenny: Why? Because your friend here turned out to be a shitbag after all?

Mike: He's just a scared kid. This ain't on him.

Kenny: Look at this place. Just a stack of fucking toothpicks. Bet those magical "supplies" are bullshit, too.

He pushes Arvo.

Kenny: What? No speaka de English?

Arvo: Fuck you.

Kenny: You fucking Commie piece of shit.

Kenny punches Arvo, knocking him on the ground. Kenny gets up top of him and keeps punching him.


Duck: Let him go, Mike.

Mike ignored him and got Kenny off of Arvo.

Kenny: Get the fuck off me!

Jane comes back with supplies and sees Arvo with blood and bruises on his face.

Jane: What did you do to him?

Jane drops a bag and a can of food in front of Kenny.

Jane: There's another just like it. He WASN'T lying.

Kenny: You wanna tell me how a can of fucking chili is gonna help a baby?

Jane: How is beating a kid to death gonna help ANYONE?!

Bonnie: This is your fault, and you damn well know it.

Sarita: That's not true!

Kenny: I'm tying him up.

Jane: Fine. Mike, help me get a fire started.

Mike: You have a light?

Jane: I thought I had matches.

I get up and walk to Jane. I give her the nail file.

Jane: You kept it.

The fire starts and I get myself warm. I go to sleep.


I woke to see Clem sleeping next to me. I see Mike taking care of Arvo. Clem also wakes up.

Y/N: Hey Clem.

Clementine: Hey Y/N.

She looks sad.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Clementine: You scared the hell outta me when you were in the water.

I frown.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now