Chapter 113: Minerva

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We are all walking through the forest to look for Delta's boat.

Y/N: Once we find their boat. We'll have to find a way to sneak on board.

Willy: If Tenn doesn't fuck up this time.

AJ: It wasn't Tenn's fault.

Willy: Yes, it was! Mitch died because he--

AJ: Say one more thing about Tenn. I dare you.

Louis: Guys, there it is!

He was right. The boat was armored. We sneak up until we find a safe spot. AJ got his binoculars out.

Kenny: See anything?

AJ: The beach, a boat, and uh...a wood street in the water.

Y/N: The pier?

AJ: Yeah.

Y/N: Let's focus on those areas.


We looked and studied the boat. We saw Violet being walked in the boat. Which confirmed that we have found the right place.

Y/N: We'll need a distraction to get inside.

Raider: Walkers!

The raider shot the walkers nearby.

Louis: Looks like we'll need a dozen walkers.

Clementine: Let's get out of here and talk about the plan.

We get to a safe distance away from the boat.

Louis: What's the plan?

Y/N: We'll need to distract the guards to get inside.

AJ: We should burn their stuff.

Lee: Yeah, that'd work.

Clementine: That, or burn the hay.

Willy: Anything we don't burn, we should take.

Y/N: We can do both, burn the hay, and steal supplies.

Louis: Anyway to get walkers?

Clementine: We can ask James. Me, Y/N, Lee, Kenny, and AJ can go find him and convince him to lead the walkers here and blend in with them.

We see someone chopping wood. We hide.

Y/N: Must be a raider. I'll sneak behind 'em.

Clementine: Be careful.

Y/N: Always.

I sneak behind the raider and take my knife out, I put it around her neck. The raider gasps.

Y/N: Drop the axe.

She drops it.

Y/N: Where do you keep the prisoners.

Raider: What are you talking abo--

Y/N: I'm not playing around.

Raider: The boiler deck, the second one, they're all there.

Louis: Y/N, stop!

Louis walks up to us, I let go of the raider and she turns around.

Louis: Minnie!

Louis and Minnie hug. I couldn't believe it. Marlon said Minerva and her sister died.

Minerva: After the attack, I wasn't sure. I heard they burned half of your school down.

Everyone walks over.

Minerva: Who survived?

Willy: Ruby and Tenn made it. Mitch didn't. And Brody died.

Minerva: Tenn's boots holding up okay?

AJ: His boots?

Minerva: They're so old, they're more holes than rubber.

Y/N: His boots are fine.

Minerva: You're Y/N.

She looks at Clem.

Minerva: And you're Clementine.

Then she looks at Lee and Kenny.

Minerva: You all are the group who took over after Marlon died. I thought everyone would lean on their own. Not the newbies.

Lee: Yeah. We are.

Kenny: You got a problem?

Minerva: Abel figured he could talk Marlon into handing everyone over, like they did before. You all ruined the whole plan.

Louis: What are you talking about? Marlon traded you and Sophie like it was nothing!

Minerva: And we all survived! Marlon wouldn't have made them fight like you guys did. People wouldn't have died.

Louis: That's some grade-A horseshit. They saved us.

Minerva: Then how come so many people are dead?

Y/N: Marlon murdered Brody!

Minerva: What?

Louis: Where's Sophie?

Minerva: She...died protecting the delta. A hero.

Clementine: A hero?!

Lilly: Minerva!

All of us except Minerva hides.

Minerva: Rockingham!

Lilly: Finish up and head back. I want to be in before dark.

Minerva: Yes ma'am.

Lilly walks away. Minerva picks up her axe.

Minerva: Our boat leaves in two days. Then it'll be two weeks before we come back for the rest of you. Don't fight when we do. It will be the only way you save your people.

Y/N: You can come with us. You can come home.

Minerva looks down and stays silent for a bit.

Minerva: I can't.

She then runs off.

Y/N: You okay Louis?

Louis: I'm fine. We still need to get on the boat.

Y/N: You guys head home. Get everyone caught up and get ready.

Willy: Everyone except Tenn.

AJ: I warned you.

Clementine: Enough, both of you.

Y/N: I can go find James.

Clementine: We can go with you.

Y/N: Good. Everyone else can go.

Everyone except me, Clem, Lee, Kenny, and AJ start heading back to the school.

Y/N: Ready?

Clementine: Let's go.

All of us starts walking.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now