Chapter 96: Outside the safe zone?!

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We all made it back to the school. The gate opens as we get inside.

Ruby: Took y'all a while.

Louis: How poor are they that have not patience.

We all put the bags down and open them. Revealing the food in them.

Willy: Aasim! Mitch! Check it out! Food!

Lee, Kenny, Carley, and Sarita also walked over.

Mitch: That's like, a lot of food.

Louis: Observant as ever, Mitch.

Aasim: I can't believe this. Look at it.

Willy: Clem, Y/N, and Duck. You're our saviors.

Y/N: Don't just thank us.

Clementine: Louis and Violet helped too.

Aasim: Neither of them brought back this much before.

Louis: Neither have you.

Brody: Where did you find all of this?

Louis: The train station. They knew where it was.

Brody: Train station...that's outside the safe zone.

Violet: We would have more. But we ran into this creep who fucked up our traps.

Brody: Creep? What creep?

Duck: Clem and Y/N saw him smoking those nasty-ass cigarettes.

Clementine: He had weird different colored eyes.

Brody: Did he follow you?

Y/N: No, I shoved him into a pack of walkers. They took a chunk out of him.

AJ: It was awesome.

Y/N: I don't know if he got out, but if he did, he won't make it for long.

Brody: You attacked him?! If he survived, you know he's coming back for revenge. What the hell were you thinking?! How could you be so stupid?!

She taps on my chest when saying that.

Clementine: I recommend that you back away from him Brody.

Brody: I recommend you getting your head out of your ass before we all die!

Y/N: He would have shot us if I didn't do what I did.

Brody: Bullshit! What if there are others?! You don't know what people are capable of out there!

Y/N: I am VERY aware of what people are capable of.

Marlon walks to us.

Marlon: What is going on?

Brody: They went outside the safe zone... They SAW someone! You know what that means!

Marlon: It just means there's a hungry guy out there looking for food. It's happened before. You are overreacting.

Brody: You can't be serious!

Marlon: Come on, let's go somewhere and talk about this.

Brody then shoves him to the ground.

Brody: If anything happens...I'm holding YOU responsible!

She says pointing at me. She then walks away. Marlon stands up and looks at us.

Marlon: I know I asked you guys for help... and you did. But...shit. God. Nothing's easy. But at least we are eating tonight. You guys enjoy it. You earned it.

Marlon walks away.

Y/N: What a day this has been.

Clementine: At least we are eating.

Y/N: Yeah. You're right.

Lee: You guys okay?

Duck: Yeah.

Kenny: Good job on finding food.

Carley: Yeah, thank you.

Sarita: Let's get eating.

We walk to one of the tables and eat.

Louis: Don't sweat it.

Violet: Brody has been like that since Sophie and Minnie died.

Aasim: We could have Rosie out in the morning to see if she catches a scent.

Aasim walks away.

Violet: I'm gonna go clean up.

Louis: I'll go too.

They both leave.

Tenn: They are just sad.

Clementine: Why?

Tenn: My sisters died around this time last year.

Y/N: Does that make you sad?

Tenn: Not really. Dying's not scary. It's sad, but not scary.

Lee: Being a walker is worse.

Tenn: How do you know?

Kenny: I don't think being a walker is better.

Tenn: Same, but we can't just ask them. I don't focus on them being gone. I focus about where they are now.

He shows us his drawing. It was a house with people in front of it.

Tenn: I think of them being here.

AJ looks at the painting and smiles.

Duck: That looks like a good place. Who are the other two people?

Tenn: The walkers who killed them.

Carley: You want them there too?

Tenn: They weren't always walkers. They will be people again here.

AJ: Can I be there?

Tenn: Sure. You guys want in too?

Y/N: Yeah. Go ahead.

Tenn draws us. Me and Clem are holding hands in the picture. Which made me and her smile. Me and Clem's other hand were on AJ's shoulders. Who was behind us. Tenn takes the drawing off of his sketchbook.

Tenn: Here you go.

Sarita: It's yours.

Tenn: It's ours.

We take the drawing.

Clementine: It's getting late.

Y/N: Yeah. Let's go AJ.

AJ: Goodnight Tenn.

Tenn: Goodnight guys.

Lee: Goodnight everyone.

Y/N: Yeah. Goodnight guys.

We leave the table and head to our room.

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