Chapter 44: Luke and Sarah

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Clementine's POV

We heard Luke and Sarah in the distance.

Jane: Shit. We need to find a way in. I think I see a opening over there.

Lee: Good idea.

We walk around the fence to see Nick, as a walker.

Clementine: Oh, no.

We walk to him.

Clementine: It's Nick.

Jane: He's your friend. You should do this.

Y/N got a knife out.

Y/N: I'm sorry, Nick.

He then stabs him in the head. Jane gives me a screwdriver because of how easily my axe gets stuck. We then sneak through the fence. We take care of the walkers in our way.

Jane: Nice work. You guys know what you are doing. Watch this.

Jane takes out the knee of the next walker and then stabs the walker in the head.

Jane: Take out the knees first.

We see the house to see lots of walkers trying to get in the house.

Jane: We could make noises to get them to us. Then we get in that other trailer to get to get to your friends. What do you think?

Lee: Not a bad plan. Clem? Y/N?

Clementine: Let's make some noise.

Y/N: I will look around.

Lee: I'm coming with you.

As Y/N and Lee start to look around, I try following them, but Jane stops me.

Jane: Hey Clem, can I ask you a question?

Clementine: What is it?

Jane: Are you and Y/N dating?

I then turn red.

Clementine: What?! No. Why do people always think that of us?!

Jane: Because you two are a perfect team and you two work together very well. Do you like him?

Clementine: N-No.

Jane: Are you sure?

I then sigh.

Clementine: Yes. I do. I like him. I LOVE him. But I don't think he likes me back.

Jane: I think he does.

Clementine: Are you sure?

Jane: Yeah. I seen the way he looks at you. You should talk to him. Tell him how you feel.

Clementine: Okay. I will. I will talk to him when I'm ready.

Then Y/N and Lee come back.

Y/N: Let's take one of the dead walkers and put them in the truck.

Lee: It should honk the horn and bring the walkers over here.

Jane: That's a good plan.

Clementine: Good job.

We then drag one and put it in the truck. The truck honks.

Clementine: It's working!

Jane: Let's go!

We run in the trailer next to us. We kill the walkers in there and run to the trailer Luke and Sarah are in. I try opening the door but it's locked. Walkers are also coming at us.

Clementine: It's locked.

Lee: Then try something else. Me and Jane will hold them off.

Y/N: I got this Clem.

Y/N Then kicks down the door. We run in and block the door.

Luke: Who's out there.

Clementine: Luke!

Luke opens the door.

Luke: Clem? Y/N? Thank God. Did Nick find you? He made a run for it, looking for help.

Y/N: I saw him outside.

Jane: He was out there. But we took care of him, ya know.

Luke knew what she meant.

Lee: I'm sorry man.

Luke: Fuck... Fuck. I don't know what to do with Sarah. You gotta help.

We go in the room where Sarah is.

Luke: Sarah, look. Look, it's Clem and Y/N. See? It's just like I told you, they're okay.

Clementine: What's she doing?

Y/N: Can you get up?

Luke: I can't snap her out of it. I tried to carry her but Carver messed me up pretty bad.

The walkers then start banging on the door.

Jane: They will tear this place open. We need to get her moving or.....

Me and Y/N knew what her next option was.

Clementine: Sarah, it's us.

Sarah: Hi.

Y/N: You need to listen to us, It's important.

Clementine: I know how you feel right now. It's one of the worse feelings in the world.

Y/N: Ever since... the walkers, so many people I know have died. People I love. And for stupid reasons...

The walkers then bang on the windows.

Jane: We are surrounded.

Lee: The skylight is all we got.

We got the furniture that was covering the door over to the other room so we could use it to get through the skylight. I had to slap Sarah to get her moving. We got out of there. We are now walking to Parker's Run.

Luke: I hate to ask this, but are we there yet?

Jane: We're not far.

I look at Sarah.

Clementine: You did good getting out of there. Now you gotta keep it up.

Sarah: But. I'm not okay.

Y/N: Just don't let us down.

We then walk to Jane.

Clementine: What happened in there?

Y/N: You were ready to help but something changed.

Lee: Yeah. What's up with that?

Jane: I seen that before. Didn't want to stick around for the bitter end.

Y/N: So would you leave us? If wewere hurt?

Jane: No... I mean... I wouldn't have too.

We then make it back to Parker's Run.

Clementine X Male Reader What If: If Lee and Kenny survived all seasonsWhere stories live. Discover now