Chapter 27 - Frisson

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As quick as my legs could take, I walked back to the house. I quietly entered the house and I was careful not to make any sound. I didn't want anyone to wake Dr Matt up. I headed straight to my room silently and entered.

Truthfully, I didn't plan only to change my slides but to also change my whole outfit. Jaden and Genesis wouldn't have understood why I wanted to change my outfit.

They were guys anyways.

A guy's dressing didn't require much effort. Just by putting on a tee shirt and jean, they would look breathe taking but we girls on the other hand are a different story entirely.

Luckily for me, I had brought my tightest jean that showcased my butt really well and a floral off shoulder top with frills.

It wasn't exactly a party outfit but at least it was something. I quickly changed as fast I could and wore my red vans to top it off.

After which, I applied light makeup on my face. Basic shit like: eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. It wasn't anything too major because I didn't want to look like a party clown.

Finally, I untied my hair and let it down. I snuck to the toilet and had a brief glance at my appearance in the mirror. I almost couldn't the girl staring back at me.

She was indeed beautiful.

My phone started vibrating and I saw that the caller Id was Jaden. Since I knew the main reason why he was calling me was to tell me to hurry up, I didn't bother answering the call. I took one last look at myself and went directly outside quietly.

Immediately I got outside, I spotted the car in front of the house. I ran to the car and hopped right in.

"Damn Alina, what took you so long?" Genesis asked me immediately I got in.

"I'm here now and that's all that matters, let's go" I hurriedly responded.

As soon as I had entered into the car, Jaden turned back and assessed my appearance. I had expected him to compliment me but instead he just turned right back and started driving us to the wherever the party was at.

Perhaps best friends didn't complement each other.

For a split second, my mind drifted to the chaos we had on our hands. Zoey and Sully were missing and in addition to those problems was that strange dream I had but I made up my mind not to dwell on those thoughts tonight.

I was going to have a great time and probably get drunk.

In about fifteen minutes, we arrived at the party house. The house was very massive - really really massive. It was more like a mansion.

The place was pouring with a lot of scattered people going in and out of the house.

Jaden parked near the house "We are here" I heard him say. I examined the environment some more and noticed that most of the people were either wasted or high. I had always wondered why people actually went to the parties.

In my own opinion, parties were lame. It always revolved around the same themes: drugs, alcohol, weed, and girls.

The minds of teenagers couldn't evidently be fathomed.

By now, Genesis and Jaden had already gotten down from the car "C'mon Ali, get down" Jaden instructed me.

While taking a deep breath in, I got down and took a sniff of the air- and I wasn't surprised when the air smelt like cigarettes or weed.

What was I doing here? This definitely wasn't my type of scene and I was almost tempted to retreat into the car.

But I decided against it because I was curious to find out what Anjola and Cherry really enjoyed in parties.

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