Chapter 18 - Drapetomania

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Sooner than later, Genesis realized that running after his car would be futile. He entered into the car and sat down.

“How could we have lost him?” Genesis groaned “That was the only lead we had”

“At least I noticed that his name was Adam” I told Genesis in the guise of trying to raise his hopes up.

“What are we going to do?” I asked him after a long amount of silence passed through us.

“Call Jaden and tell him to meet us in the car” Genesis said. It was more of a command than a statement.

Immediately, I called Jaden and told him to meet us outside. In a minute he was already out. He got into the car and said “I didn’t spot the policeman”

“Yeah, we aware because we saw him instead” I informed him
Instantly, Jaden’s face lit up.

“That’s great, were you able to question him?”

Genesis began scratching his head “That’s the thing, Alina and I were a wee bit distracted” He told Jaden “We didn’t spot him till he was racing off with his cop car but Alina saw that his name was Adam though”

As soon as Genesis said that Jaden’s face changed to one of confusion. “What?”He exclaimed ”You were supposed to keep watch”

“Yeah, we know but we got distracted by something we just found out about” I stated with a smug look.

Jaden exhaled nosily “What could have been so much important than nailing this cop?”

I rubbed my hands gleefully “Would you believe me if I told you that Genesis and I can communicate telepathically?”

Jaden stared at us with disbelief “That can’t be possible”

“Oh but it is” Genesis confirmed
“Prove it then” Jaden challenged both of us.

“Okay then” Genesis and I both said.

“Jaden, you will whisper any sentence in my ear” I told him “Genesis, I will tell you what Jaden told me telepathically and then you will say it out loud”

After Genesis went outside, Jaden proceeded to whisper something in my ears “Both of you are fools for letting the cop slip out of your sight” He whispered into my ear.

“Really? That’s what you want to seriously whisper into my ears?”-  I asked him.

“Yeah” Jaden said with a smirk. Oh boy, how I couldn’t wait to wipe that smirk off his face.

“Testing, Genesis can you hear me?” I asked Genesis telepathically.

At first, I couldn’t hear anything and I was just about thinking we were being delusional ten minutes ago until I heard “Yeah Alina”

“What did the idiot say?” Genesis asked me in his mind.

Something about both of us being fools for allowing the cop escape” I told him telepathically.

Of all things he had the chance to say, he said that?” Genesis asked me in his mind.

I snuck a quick glimpse at Jaden and saw him look at me back “Apparently” I replied Genesis in my mind.

“Okay, we are done now” I told Jaden. I opened the door and allowed Genesis come in.

“What did Jaden say?” I asked Genesis formally when he got in “Please can you inform him?”

Genesis cleared his throat by coughing “Bruv, we ain’t fools for allowing the cop guy escape rather you’re the fool for not believing us” He said using a British accent.

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