Chapter 30 - Jemima

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As we got to the car, Genesis sighed in relief "Thank God you guys are here"

Their actions seemed very weird and uncanny. I knew something was going on but I couldn't place it.

Genesis rushed into the driver's seat and Jaden entered the passenger seat in front but not before pushing me to seat at the back.

Something was amiss.

The only thing that could have gone wrong was if Dr Matt had discovered we had left.

Genesis started driving and he drove recklessly like his life depended on it "What's going on?" I yelled.

None of them answered me at first and I had to reiterate my question again. "What's going on?" I shouted louder this time.

"Dr Matt called me" Genesis began saying.

"Oh" I replied back.

He had probably found out we had left the house. There was no big deal in it. He would ground us and get over it eventually.

"He would just ground us for a month" I chuckled.

So that's why they were behaving all hysterically. "That's not the end" Jaden blurted out.

"What happened again?" I groaned.

"The house is on fire" Jaden responded from the front. I blinked thrice to make sure I had heard Jaden correctly.

"What did you say?"

"A fire started in the house"

As soon as Jaden had uttered that sentence, I felt dizzy. This couldn't be true. I tried pinching myself to see if I was in some sort of nightmare but this seemed to be my reality.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked when I finally found my voice.

"Ellen and Dr Matt got out early" Genesis responded to my question.

"And Jemima?" I solemnly asked.
Jaden shook his head dejectedly "They are trying to find her"

"Trying? What do you mean?"

"The firemen are looking for her in the midst of the fire" Jaden told me in an uptight voice.

My lips kept mute as I put both my hands together prayerfully.

"God please, help the firemen rescue Jemima. She's a little girl and she still has so much to live for, please God" I mumbled underneath my breath as I saw Jaden's mouth moving and figured he was also praying for Jemima.

Surely, God wouldn't leave our prayers unanswered.

I brought out my phone and saw a dozen missed calls from Dr Matt. I had left my phone on silent before going into the party.

Dr Matt must have also tried reaching Jaden. This explained why his phone kept ringing continuously.

We had been too carried away with everything. I looked outside and saw smoke littering the sky.

Even though the sky was dark, the smoke was very visible and the quantity of the smoke was relatively large to an extent. I deduced that the smoke was coming from the house.

"Shit" I exclaimed after swallowing a great deal of spit.

My exclamation gained the attention of Jaden and Genesis. They turned to look at what I was staring at and saw why I had exclaimed.

"Damn" They both shouted out simultaneously .

We weren't even at the house yet and we were beginning to see a trail of smoke. The fire must be huge.

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