Chapter 37 - Pelagic

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"We are headed to the Atlantic ocean" I thought I heard John say.

"You said what?" I exclaimed the same Genesis said "What?"

"Brace yourselves guys because this is going to be a long story" I heard John say.

We both nodded, clearly ready to pay close attention to whatever he wanted to say.

"Have you ever heard of the Bermuda triangle?"  John asked us. I could remember watching a documentary about Bermuda triangle. It was a black hole of some sorts.

Genesis nodded "It's a mysterious part of the Atlantic ocean where ships and airplanes vanish mysteriously"

"It's between the Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico" I added as I remembered.

Dr Matt chuckled quietly.

John smiled and said "You guys are smarter than I thought you'd be"

Genesis and I looked at each other and smirked "Go on" I told John. There was obviously more to the story and I was dying to hear it.

"The Bermuda Triangle being a black hole is a myth" John started explaining "There's a reason for the disappearance of the ships, boats and airplanes"

Genesis gasped and I sucked in an inconsiderable large amount of air as we waited to hear the remaining part of the story.

He eyed us before continuing with the story "A meteor crashed into the Atlantic ocean on a particular night during an eclipse"

"The meteor submerged underneath the sea and reacted with the high salt content of the water. Thereby creating a magical void that swallows anything that comes in close contact to the surface of the sea"

Genesis wheezed "That's why ship and airplanes have sunk? The sea swallowed them up?"

John nodded his head to confirm what he was saying. "Where did the passengers and the remains of the ships and airplanes go to then?" I asked.

He smiled "That's where the real mystery lies" He began elucidating "You see, the meteor expanded due to the salt content of the water and effect of the eclipse. Hence creating an underwater magical dimension"

My jaw was left ajar.

"The first human passengers the sea swallowed were from the USS Cyclops in the year 1918. They all got washed up on the shores of an unknown underwater land which they eventually named Philia"

"Whoa" I heard Genesis.

This was their big secret? It almost seemed unbelievable- Like it was some sort of mind-boggling fantasy.

No wonder why they weren't bent on informing us. I was trying to process the load of information that John had dropped on us.

"Are you kidding us right now?" I had to ask.

Dr Matt chuckled "We wish we were"

"How come no one has ever known?" Genesis enquired from John. He seemed as truly confused as I was.

"There's a magical force field surrounding Philia that makes Philia hidden from plain sight" John answered him "It's like a world underwater" I had to agree that none of this made sense.

"Why didn't the humans escape and come up to earth?" I opted to ask.

"If only it was that easy" I heard Dr Matt sigh slightly as he was driving "The first inhabitants of the land didn't know where they were and the force field makes it almost impossible to escape.

"How come you guys are here then?" Genesis asked.

"Remember when I said that your mom was a sorcerer? I might have left out a major fact, that she was a powerful one" I could sense Dr Matt smiling smugly even though his back was turned towards us "She was the first person to ever penetrate through the force field"

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