Chapter 52 - Valediction

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We had to make a quick stop at Dr Matt's house to pick up two shovels that we needed to dig. Jaden was the person who went in to obtain it. I wasn't prepared to see Ellen just yet.

After getting the shovel, we headed straight for the cemetery, where Jemima's coffin was buried. I couldn't help asking myself if what we planned to do was illegal. I didn't want to head to prison for such a minute reason.

Jaden pulled over the car and parked it opposite the entrance of the cemetery. The place was rather quiet with no one roaming around the area.

If you have ever watched a horror movie and have an idea of how the horror scenes look like, this was a clear representation of one.

The whole atmosphere was eerily tranquil.

"Let's go" Jaden signaled for us to get down from the car.

None of us hesitated to get down. It was better we just retrieved this totem and get this over with as soon as possible.

We walked over to the cemetery and realized the gate was locked with a huge padlock.

"How are we going to get in?" I probed.

Lucas pointed to the fence "We are going to jump over the fence"

"Excuse me?" I blinked my eyes severally. I wasn't good in athletics, so there was no bloody way I could jump over the fence. I had a glimpse at the fence and the height was the average standard height of a wall but nevertheless, I knew I could break my back jumping over the wall.

"There's no other way Ali" Jaden sided with Lucas "We could help you climb the fence" Jaden suggested.

"Like I have any another choice" I rolled my eyes as Jaden handed me the torch and told me to go over to the wall with Lucas.

"We will need to give you a platform where we would be able to hoist you up" Jaden explained to Lucas and I "You would climb on Lucas and I's palm and we would give you a little push, so you would be able to jump over the fence"

"Are you down with that?" Jaden enquired from me. Lucas had placed his hands in his pockets and was waiting for my reply.

"Sure- as long as I don't die in the process" I teased.

The two guys placed their palms far from the ground and I climbed onto it, next they raised their hands a little bit higher to reach the level of the fence and then they gently pushed me over it.

Tenderly, I stumbled on the floor with my face hitting the ground. I could literally taste the dirt in my mouth. I spat it out and forced myself to stand up.

Afterwards, I dusted my jeans. I shone the torch around and saw the numerous graves before my eyes.

Being in the graveyard at such an odd hour would definitely give anyone a creepy feeling. I eagerly waited for Lucas and Jaden to jump down because I was more than scared.

Lucas jumped down and I breathed in relief as I shone the torch on his face. He was holding one of the shovels "Took you enough time" I blurted out.

Jaden then jumped down too. He was with the second shovel.

"Let's get this over with" He snatched the torch from me and began leading us to Jemima's grave.

Lucas and I followed him. We walked past several graves and I low key was expecting a body to come out from those graves and chase us out.

One could say I watched a lot of horror movies but I actually really felt uncomfortable walking in the cemetery at this time but I wasn't ready to chicken out.

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