Chapter 11 - Outré

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We had already gathered the attention of everyone in the lab and they were all staring at me.

Right then on my wrists, I saw the word "Alina" appear and I began trembling with fear. I tried cleaning it off but if failed to come off and I was left with the impression that it was permanent.

My eyes ogled at it again and I noticed that it was glowing like the orange glowing thingy- Lux.

It was then that I knew my name wasn't Cali or Ilene but rather my name was Alina.

When I could finally find my voice, I shakily asked Dr Matt "What just happened?"

He looked confused and sort of bewildered but concealed it well enough "Amazing" He suddenly remarked "The Lux has never glowed like this" He had failed to answer to my previous question.

"Otis" He called out suddenly while still not paying any attention to me. A young scrawny boy answered "Yes" and started running towards us.

"Run some tests on the Lux and give me the feedback" Dr Matt commanded him. The young lad nodded his head and ran off without any questions. I stomped my foot on the floor to gain his attention.

"Oh, sorry for the distraction" He exclaimed "What was your question again?"

"I asked why the Lux had glowed and why Alina appeared on my wrists" I rolled my eyes.

He adjusted his glasses on his face while shrugging "I think you have some sort of connection with the Lux"

How was I connected to the Lux? "I have a lot of questions and I need answers" I told Dr Matt
'Into the unknown, into the unknownnn, into the unknownnnn oh oh'- His cell phone rang out loud abruptly. I started giggling- I could recognize that song from anywhere.

Shoot me but was that a song from the movie - Frozen 2?

Straight away, I spotted a hint of the colour red appearing on his face which made me chuckle even more.

He was a Frozen 2 fan? "Pardon me; I have to pick this "He said quite embarrassed. Dr Matt left and I continued to stare at the orange glowing liquid trying to process everything he just told me.

I started having a recall of everything he had told me. I was trying to put all the pieces together because I knew somehow they were all related to me in a way.

Before I could continue putting the pieces of the puzzle together, Dr Matt came back and demanded he had to leave saying something along the lines that his wife was complaining about him being late for dinner.

He ended his ranting by telling me to come back tomorrow on order for us to continue with the discussion.

Not in any way would I have guess he was married. The thought of where I was going to go to was slowly nagging me. I clearly couldn't go back to the foster home, that was miles away and I didn't have the money for either a hotel or motel. I had to go home with him.

"Dr Matt" I shouted before he was out of sight. He turned back and patiently shouted "What?"
"I don't have anywhere to go" I filled him in.

"Ehn?" He said with a look of amazement "Where did you come from?"

"I escaped from my foster home in Sege" I told him. This man still owed me answers; He wasn't exactly off the hook yet

"Foster home? He hesitated for about a minute before groaning and finally saying the words I wanted to hear - "C'mon, you are coming home with me" I ran to him quickly as he started walking away briskly into the elevator.

He pressed the same button that had taken us down to the underground lab, and instead of taking us down. It went up and stopped at that exact spot we had taken the elevator.

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