Chapter 49 - Shimazl

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"Alina" I heard someone call my name.

My head felt fuzzy, like I had just hit it against something and suddenly the memories started rushing back in- I got hit on head by a levitating rock.

"Alina" The voice said. It sounded firmer but in a reassuring manner. It sounded like the person was pleading for me to wake up. I was of no doubt the voice belonged to Lucas.

"C'mon Alina. You can't die yet" At this point, Lucas sounded desperate and distressed- exactly how I wanted him to feel considering he had put me in this position. I continued closing my eyes to scare Lucas for a little longer.

He truly deserved it in my own opinion.

Lucas grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me vigorously. I had no choice but to wake up. I opened my eyes gently and met his intense eyes staring at mine.

"Thank goddess" He hurriedly said as he exhaled the air he was holding in "I literally thought you were dead"

"I wish I was" I said as I averted my eyes away from his. I looked around to see if I could tell where we were.

We were in between two trucks- The place seemed oddly familiar. I could spot some few other trucks and lorries.

It dawned on me that we were at the Miami Harbor.

"What happened?" I turned back to stare at Lucas. I had an inkling of what happened but I wanted him to tell me with his mouth.

"Well-"He scratched his head "I brought us back to earth"

"I meant the voodoo shit you displayed back there on Philia. You nearly killed me" I rose up one eyebrow.

"Nearly doesn't mean I did" He countered my statement.  I was still lying down on the floor, so I made myself sit up while still holding his eyes hostage with mine.

"Guy" I used my finger to poke his chest "You can't expect me to flow with something I have no idea of" I was obviously referring to the situation of earlier.

Clearly, he had powers and he hadn't even told me about them.

"I have to trust you if we are going to do this together" I added "I have to be fully aware that you have my back"

"I know, I know Alina" Lucas tried defending himself "I just didn't want to freak you out" I sighed.

"You still freaked me out either ways" Lucas was leaning towards me; I pushed him off and used the opportunity to stand up to dust the dirt off myself. He followed my action and stood up too.

"I'm sorry for not telling you though" Lucas said in a tiny voice as he looked intently into my eyes.

"Its fine" I acknowledged his apology and crossed my hands "Any other secret you want to share?"

This was his chance to lay all his cards on the table; I didn't want any further surprises along the way.

"Maybe" He shrugged as I pulled my hair out of frustration and chuckled.


He was been so cryptic with his answers, bringing him to earth was a bad idea. I could have done this on my own.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that he had taken one step closer to my position. Lucas put his hands on my shoulder and made me see his face.

"Alina" He gently said while looking at me. I averted my eyes to the other direction. Lucas could probably read the doubt written on my face.

"Hey, look at me" He pulled my face in his direction. I hesitated at first but eventually obliged and stared into his eyes.

"Trust me when I say, you'll understand everything in due time" He was being cryptic again but at least this time he had assured me that I would understand everything in due time and that was enough for me.

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