Chapter 4 Part 2 - Acatalepsy

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After I had finished packing all the necessary necessities from my room, I headed outside to meet my supposed father, the cop and also the uncanny social services lady

"I'm ready to go" I yelled as soon as I had gotten outside

"The car is parked outside, let's go" The woman said "Cali is coming with me while you-" She pointed at my dad "-are going with him" She pointed to the cop

"Can I see you privately" My Dad suddenly asked the cop

Maybe my dad wanted to explain how everything was a mistake to him. My heart was elated with hope once again.

"Take her to your car" The vop commanded the Social Service woman. I definitely had to hear what these people were saying.

How was I going pull it off now?

Fortunately for me, the woman's phone started ringing. I guess it was an important and confidential call because she told me to go the car and she'd meet me there soon.

Did I go to the car? Hell no.

Curiosity killed the cat so it must as well kill me too but I desperately needed to know what was truly going on and eavesdropping was my only option.

Luckily for me, I got there just in time. I hid beside the shrubs close to the house, where it was not visible to be seen.

"How the hell did you find out where we were" I heard my dad ask the cop
That's all he has to say after everything? I thought

"That's confidential information, Mr Coleman" The cop answered aggressively

"At least I deserve some information, you are taking her away from me already" He countered back

The cop looked at him with a pitiful look, sighed and finally said "We received an anonymous tip that the girl you were living with was not your actual supposed daughter and that you kidnapped her"

"An anonymous tip?" My dad questioned with a puzzled expression

"Yes" The cop replied

"They're on to us already" He said with a panicked expression on his face

"Who?" The cop queried. I clearly saw my dad's expression at that time. I figured he was debating with himself if the man could be trusted or not

"It's nothing important" My dad uttered "Just promise me that your people won't let her out of sight, not for a second neither a minute" He continued "Just protect her please" I heard my dad desperately plead

The cop eyed him warily and finally said "We will protect her with all we have got while you need to face and own up the charges pressed against you"

"I'll be back for her soon, just stick that at the back of your mind" My dad boldly told the cop

"I doubt you will be, you are not going to be released anytime soon" The man confidently said with a sneer

"Let's wait and see" My dad said with an extremely determined expression on.

Instantly, I felt a pair of hands grab me at that moment "There you are" The social whatever woman said, "I told you to go to the car, didn't I?"

"I forgot something and quickly went to get it" I lied through my teeth. I obviously knew she didn't buy my story with the look she put on.

"All you pesky children are all the same, no respect shown to your elders" She muttered under her breathe

She dragged me by my ear back to her car "Ow" I cried out

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