Chapter 33 - Quietus

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I unpacked the big bag that Dr Matt had sent and saw two plain black dresses identical in nature- although one was bigger than the other.

Both Ellen and I were petite but Ellen was still kind of bigger than me regardless.

There was also two pair of heels in the bag. Both of them were in size nine and unfortunately I was a size eight. Oh well, I had no choice but to manage the heels. Ellen was probably a size nine. I put the bigger size of the dress and a pair of the heels on her bed and left her room.

Then I headed to the kitchen to see if I could find something for us to eat. I doubted she would want anything to eat but at least it would be fair to prepare something for her. I saw some juice and some cake left in the fridge and the combination didn't seem too bad.

Eventually, I took both of them out of the fridge and laid out it on the dining table. I heard the sound of the shower stop and guessed that she was probably done.

"Ellen" I called her as she passed the kitchen. Her eyes looked bloodshot and it occurred to me she must have been crying in the bathroom.

She stopped and looked at me "Dr Matt sent some appropriate clothes for us to wear for the funeral" I informed her "And there's some food on the table for you if you are hungry"

Ellen nodded and murmured a thank you while wiping the tears that accidentally escaped from her eye lids. She walked to her room without giving me a second glance.

"You are welcome" I muttered under my breath. I drank a little portion of the orange juice before retreating to the bathroom to have a rejuvenating quick shower. I took my bath swiftly and got out from the bathroom. I dressed up and put the oversized heels on.

Hardly did I ever wear heels, so I didn't know how walk in them and also the heels were oversized again, making them more uncomfortable. I considered changing from the heels to my vans but I thought it would look weird wearing that to a funeral.

Jemima needed to be genuinely honored today and looking funny wouldn't help me achieve that. I practiced walking with the heels by walking to the kitchen and back like a couple of times.

After what seemed like a while, I got the hang of the heels. I had a peek at the time and saw that it was already after ten.

"Ellen, are you ready?" I asked her as I entered into her room.

"I think so" She replied her. I took a good look at her and saw that she had worn the dress and heels but yet she looked dead and vulnerable.

There was no sparkle in her eyes, only pure sadness. We should go" I told her and she nodded in agreement.

As we headed to the door, I got a glimpse at the dining table and saw that the food I had left for her was untouched. I wasn't exactly surprised.

Out of respect, I definitely couldn't force her to eat, so I didn't bother commenting on the untouched food.

We got out of the presidential suite and I locked the door. I looked around and prayed that we wouldn't get lost. I doubted if I could remember the way back to the lobby.

Fortunately for me, I saw a maid and asked her nicely to direct me to the lobby which she gladly did.

We were out in the lobby in about five minutes. I saw the receptionist we had seen when we entered the hotel earlier was no longer there.

She was maybe done with her shift and had gone home. We walked past the current receptionist without her uttering a single word.

As we were about to leave the hotel, I saw a shop. I told Ellen to wait for me outside and quickly dashed to the shop. I asked the store attendant if she had any pair of sunglasses.

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