Chapter 2 - Eremophobia

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Apparently the journey back home was faster than I had initially expected because we got home earlier than I had predicted.

"Are you going to bed already, lotus flower?" My dad asked me immediately once we got home

"Yes, pops" I replied him while yawning. I wasn't exactly tired yet but I needed some space to gather my thoughts.

"Oh, I was thinking maybe you wanted tea or something before you slept" He said as went to turn the television on

"I think it is really late for that, pops" I said. I really just wanted to sleep at that point, man was extremely tired.

He swiftly took a quick look at the time, it was already past 12

"Plus I have to be up early for school tomorrow" I added with the sweetest voice

"Oh, I hadn't realized time had gone by so fast" He said as he walked up to where I was "Okay love, goodnight and don't forget how much I love you" My dad said then paused and smiled

Instantly, I knew how this was going to play out already. "How much do I love you anyways?" He asked me with one of his eyebrows slightly up and also with an amusing expression on

"Dad, it is too late for this" I grumbled

"C'mon, just say it" My pops urged on

"Ugh" I slapped my hand on my face and stared at him for a while before finally replying him with the adorable mantra he never ceased to tell me everyday

"You love me to the moon, around the planets and back a million times and more, pops"

He then had on a toothy grin and winked at me. I hugged him and said "I love you too pops, goodnight"

"Goodnight, lotus flower" He replied "I'll come lock your door later"

My dad always ensured he locked my door every single night before sleeping.

Why you might ask? Well, I have somnambulism- That's another name for sleepwalking.

My dad always said I had a sleep walking issue.

According to him, I always got up and walked around while I'm asleep during the night.

It only just started recently- He told me there was this particular time I was sleepwalking and I almost left the house.

The creaking noise of the front door had alerted him. I remember laughing when he told me that.

His face had changed to a serious face then and he had told me it wasn't in the slightest bit funny.

Ever since that first attempt to sleepwalk myself outside the house, he always made sure to lock my room door from the outside

"No problemo" I told him as I scurried away. I could tell that he was worried that I was seventeen and I still hadn't matured from that sleepwalking phase but it wasn't exactly my fault

After I had told taken a snack from the kitchen, I headed to my room to get ready for bed.

Reluctantly, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, wore my pajamas and slid into bed. I was way too tired to crosscheck my homework and a yawn escaped from my lips.

Slowly, my surroundings began to dwindle away and I found myself falling deep into slumber.

Waking up to the birds chirping and the sun shining wasn't usual for me. I was an early raiser and around five, I was usually up.

Unfortunately for me, my night was a bit disoriented and blurry; I couldn't make out why it was just that way.

The birds had woken me up earlier but I refused to get up from my bed. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, probably daydreaming.

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