Chapter 61 - Litost

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My body woke up with a startle and jolt. My eyes searched around my surroundings and I saw I was in the midst of some brown long substance that resembled grass.

Hay?- I picked one up and examined it. It was probably hay.

There was a wall at my back, to my right and to my left and in front of me were the cell bars. There were numerous vertical cell-like long bars seemingly entrapping me where I was.

It was then I realized I was in some sort of prison.

My legs stood up on their own accord from the hay and ran towards the bars that confined me in. I put my hands on the bars.

"Hello" I called "Anyone there?" Silence resonated through the room as my response.

Apart from the door that appeared to be beyond the cell bars, there was nothing more to notice. 

What was I even doing in a prison anyways? - The last thing I could remember was we had a family reunion and everyone was present including Zoey. I rubbed my eyes gently as the memories began flowing in.

"I killed my dad and Jemima" I muttered to myself as the realization dawned upon me.

My knees fell to the floor and I willingly succumbed to the wallowing pain in my chest. Tears began sprouting from my eyes and I didn't bother trying to stop them from flowing down my face.

They had all abandoned me- Everyone I loved had abandoned me. I wrapped my arms around my chest and leaned my back against the wall behind me.

Victor was obviously the person who had me locked up in this cell.

More tears began to spill down my face and sooner than later my shirt got damp. I had to admit that I deserved all what I was feeling at the moment.

Never in my existence had I ever thought of killing everyone but myself.

If you had told me some days ago that I was a murderer, I would have probably have laughed and spat in your face.

But here I was now- I had indirectly killed two people and now I had lost the trust of the most important people to me.

My life was definitely shit. I always knew I had a dark side but I didn't know it was this potent until now. I tried controlling my sinister thoughts by self harming but look at where that got me.

Prison wasn't enough me, I deserved more than this place. I recalled the dream I had where my dad had mysteriously appeared to me- Was this what he had meant when he had said I was going to be my own ruin?

Was I the sunset that had turned to pitch darkness? Obviously, this was what he had meant but it wouldn't have hurt for him to have told me directly.

My sobs became louder as I dwelled on that thought.

I sighed- Or was it too late to kill myself. What exactly was I living for? No one cared for me anymore.

Not Zoey, nor Genesis, neither Jaden- I had failed them miserably.

Just as I was ruminating on the suicidal thought, the door suddenly opened and I came face to face with the one person I didn't want to lay eyes on at that moment.

And that unfortunate person was no other person but Lucas- One of the friends that was indeed my betrayer.

His hair was a bit unruffled and he was wearing a remorseful look on. Hell was I going to fall for that pathetic look of his.

"Ali" I heard him breathe out as he closed the door behind him. I sniffed and used my hand to clean the tears on my face.

"Alina" He called my full name when he saw I wasn't ready to answer him.

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