Chapter 24 - Aeipathy

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The pungent smell of a sumptuous meal awoke me. My nose got a whiff of the smell again and I had no choice but to open my eyes.

Was that turmeric? - Turmeric didn't have a pungent aroma.

Curry? - It didn't smell like curry.

And the ingredient's name finally struck me. Cinnamon- I could smell cinnamon.

Cinnamon, it was.

How long had I been asleep for?

Using my right hand to rub my sleepy eyes, I snatched my phone off the stool with my left hand to check the time. I exclaimed when I saw it was already evening.

My planned short nap turned to a three hour nap. Nevertheless, I had to agree I just had one of the best naps of my life.

Ellen was most likely back and preparing dinner and it dawned on me that I had some explaining to do. None of us- Jaden, Genesis and I, had left the house abruptly without telling her we were going to Sege.

Instantly, I scurried out of bed. I reckoned I was in a much better mood than I was before .I rushed to the toilet to rinse my face and mouth.

Obviously, I didn't want to appear dazed likewise I didn't want my breathe smelling. Jaden could possibly be back by now.

While using my hand to brush my hair down, I skedaddled to the kitchen praying not to stumble into Dr Matt. I was eager to help Ellen to cook whatever delicacy she was cooking.

Just as I was about to enter the kitchen, I stumbled upon Jemima "Linaaa" She gleefully shouted as she approached me to give me a warm hug.

Lina? Jaden referred to me as Ali and now she just called me Lina. How wonderful!

Since she was short, she could only hug my legs. Anyways, it was still very adorable.

"I missed you" She admitted with a babyish voice.

She had on a very shy and cute look that I had to choice but to engulf her in another affectionate hug. This time I bent down so we were on the same eye level.

"Do you want to come and watch Frozen 2 with me before dinner's ready?" Jemima asked me with such a sweet face.

Truthfully, I was more than tired of watching Frozen two. I wanted to tell her no but I noticed her eyes were sparkling with
something- Hope maybe?

Sincerely, I didn't want to be that certain individual that would diminish that glimpse of hope.

Jemima had every right to be hopeful. She still had the certitude and innocence of a toddler. She probably has dreams to conquer the world.

Very quaint how that had changed for me.

Before I knew it, I was nodding my head "I'll be with you in a minute Jem, let me see your mom first"

Grinning widely she said "Okay" I was very pleased that I had made her grin that widely. I chuckled softly as I saw her run as fast as her dainty feet could take her into the sitting room.

With a pleased expression, I entered into the kitchen and crossed my fingers. I planned to apologize to her for sneaking off to Sege with Jaden and Genesis.

Immediately, I came face to face with Ellen and she gave me a warm smile. I was expecting her to be mad at me.

Jaden, Genesis and I had gone to Sege without seeking her permission in her own house, and yet she was beaming at me.

"I'm extremely sorry for dragging Jaden all the way to Sege without your consent, I just really had some matters to solve over there" I quickly said without hesitation. I decided to take all the responsibility because I didn't want to get Jaden in trouble.

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