Chapter 36 - Thantophobia

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"You are awake now" Jaden stated with heartfelt laugh.

"What do you want now?" I rolled my eyes.

His expression had changed to a humorless expression "I just wanted to talk to you, that's all"

"Oh" I sat up.

Jaden looked tensed up "I was really hurt that you didn't have my back there with Dr Matt"

"I'm sorry but Ellen needs you" I told him "You are the last piece she has" I sighed.

"I know" Jaden blurted out.

"But who would be there to protect you?" He said amusingly while beaming. I genuinely loved this side of him- the comical side.

"Ummm" I put my right on my face, pretending to think "I think I can take care of myself.

"I doubt" Jaden said right away. He was clearly mocking my prowess. I didn't bother giving him a reply because I knew he was pulling my legs.

Silence crept in.

Jaden and I stared at each other without saying anything. "How do you feel about Jemima's death?" I opted to ask him in order to break the uncomfortable silence.

He heaved out noisily and his facial changed to one of pure sadness "It was hard at first- Hell, it's still hard"

Jaden put his hands on his face "I can't believe she's gone. I had still kissed her goodnight that night. If I had known it was going to be our last moment together, I would have allowed it linger"

Since his hand was placed on my bed, I decided to take his hand in mine. "It will get better" I comforted him. I was aware it was a shitty advice but I didn't know what to say- And truly it could only get better.

"I hope so Ali" Jaden replied me "I really do hope so"

He squeezed my hand "I lost my dad and Jemima already" He shook his head "I don't want to lose any of the ones I love anymore. Not on my watch"

I sighed "We can't go through life without losing a loved one- The irony of life is losing the ones we love" I put my hand on his cheek and caressed it.

He had lost two most important people in his life already, it was clear he didn't want to lose anymore.

"I don't want to lose Dr Matt" Jaden paused "And my two best friends- Genesis and you"

My jaw dropped as I processed the fact he thought of me has his best friend. We had shared a kiss for crying out- Best friends don't kiss each other.

Or do they?

At that moment, I wanted to lash out at him for calling me his best friend but I realized that all Jaden needed right now was a friend to support him and I clearly didn't want to make this about me. I had no choice but to mask the pain of being called his best friend.

"You won't lose any of us" I told him confidently with a smile.

He sniffed. Was he crying? I looked into his eyes and saw no sign of moisture. Oh, well.

"Thanks Ali" He hesitated before continuing "I got something for you"

That statement peaked up my interest "What's that?"

"Do you remember the bracelet that Adam found on the floor of the alley?" I couldn't remember where I had put it. I might have left it in Dr Matt's house and it would have burnt down with the house.

"I grabbed it off your lamp stand before we went to the party and made some changes to it"

"Oh" Was all that came out from my mouth.

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