Epilogue - Xenization

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My senses were awake but my body was still unconscious. I could hear weird noises around me- a lot of screaming and shouting.

What was going on? - I recalled breaking the stone totem and freeing the world from darkness.

I could feel myself lying down and felt a moist cloth being put on my forehead- Where was I exactly? I was curious to find out.

With all the energy I could muster, I forced my eyes to flutter open. I gazed around my surroundings.

Everywhere was pitch black but I was still able to see a young lad in front of me because of the presence of a small lit rod. I recognized him to be Lucas.

"Lucas" I cried out.

"Alina" He gently said in return.

"How long I have been asleep for?" I quickly asked him. My throat felt eerily parched and empty.

"About a month" He replied me while placing the towel he had dipped in water on my forehead.

A month? I creased my eyebrows in confusion. Instantly, I proceeded to sit up from where I was laid.

My eyes could tell we were in something like a tent but nevertheless, I could still hear the agonizing screams.

"Where are we?" I asked Lucas with a mystified expression.

He inhaled a lot of air before speaking "Harlem"


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