Chapter 14 - Balter

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Without wasting any more time, I ran inside to find Dr Matt. He was in the study like he had said he would be. I threw the letter on the table and he ogled at my face with a questioning look.

“Read it” I commanded him.
Reluctantly, he grabbed the letter from the table and read it out aloud. After he had read the last sentence, he looked up and stared at me. I couldn’t decipher his expression but I could tell he was as surprised as I was.

“I knew something was amiss” He finally said after a long silence. I totally concurred by nodding my head.

“We have to tell John and Genesis about this new information” He told me while looking at the time on his watch.

My thoughts faintly diverted to Genesis and John. John had better have told Genesis the whole truth. I needed to have a one on one talk with my brother about what was happening.

“They should be back soon” Dr Matt added. At that exact time, we heard the door being opened.

“Dad, I’m home” A young girlish voice said and I instantly grasped that his children were back.

Immediately, Dr Matt took the letter and swiftly hid it in his drawer.

The door to the study slammed opened as Jemima scurried to climb onto her dad’s laps “How was school?” He beamed while asking her.

“I got an A+ in my maths pop quiz, daddy” She replied him ecstatically. Anyone present wouldn’t miss the joy radiating off her face.

This type of scene made me mushy. Jemima had everything a basic child could ever need: A father who truly adored her, a mother who loved her and a very handsome brother too.

“That’s my girl” I heard Dr Matt commend his daughter.

My eyes averted to the doorway as I saw Jaden standing there. I subtly eyed him from head to toe and saw he was wearing ripped jeans with a muscle shirt. The muscle shirt didn’t fail to show his well built chest and toned muscles.

Candidly speaking, his dressing should be illegal and how was he permitted to wear that to school?
He must have noticed that I was ogling at him because he smiled and said “If you stare too much, your eyes might fall off” Jaden winked at me which made me go all gooey-like on the inside.

My cheeks betrayed me by going red right then. Since I didn’t want Jaden to notice I was blushing, I quickly whipped my head to look at Dr Matt as he was still praising little Jemima.

Dr Matt looked up “How was your A-levels program chap?” He asked Jaden as he turned his attention from Jemima to Jaden.

“It was mind blowing” Jaden replied deviously.

Dr Matt raised one of his eye brows up “What did you do this time?”

“Nothing much” Jaden replied while shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. He was about leaving when Dr Matt stopped and said “Thanks for picking Jemima up from school”

“It’s no biggie Matt” Jaden said while blowing a kiss at Jemima. I noticed how he called Dr Matt by his actual name but I decided not to pay attention to it.

Eventually, I decided to leave to go exploring since I was just standing and admiring the relationship between father and daughter.

Once I had left the room, I wandered about the house aimlessly till I saw Jaden sitting on the terrace outside. He was staring into thin air.

Without giving much thought to it, I went outside to join him “Watcha doing?” I tried mimicking Isabelle in the famous cartoon Phineas and Ferb.

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