Chapter 19 - Contretemps

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“Hey” I replied them to the two strangers in front of me.

Jaden gave me a questioning look but I shrugged him off and focused on the two strangers in front of me.

“Nice new hair color” Cherry complimented me “I sent you a text earlier but you never replied” Cherry said.

“I saw the text” I told them “If I was so important you could have called” I confidently informed him.

To be honest, I had no idea  where the sassiness came from. It could have been Genesis and Jaden that instilled the confidence.

Or maybe it was because I was earnestly tired of putting up with their bullshit. When I actually think about it, I don’t know why I was so afraid of them or afraid to leave them.

No one had ever died from being friendless, or had anyone?

Besides, I was pretty sure if I had left them at that moment when they had insinuated I was only useful to them when it came to solving their homework, I just might have gotten new and better friends.

But I was terrified of being alone- Bullshit that, I’m never settling for less. Ever again.

If anything, embarking on this adventure as made me realize that I have a purpose and for that I can’t be grateful enough.

“Whoa” Anjola said “Chill babe” I noticed that Anjola was subtly eyeing Jaden casually.

“We were just about to call you” Cherry said.

It was obvious she was lying “Do you honestly believe their sop story?” Genesis asked me telepathically.

“At all” I told him.

Jaden was still watching us with amusement “Who are these hunks?” Anjola asked facing Jaden and Genesis.

It wasn’t a shocker that they had asked this question “I’m Genesis, Alina’s-“

“Cali” I suddenly coughed trying to make him know that he was supposed to say Cali.

“Sorry, I meant Cali’s chem. buddy” Genesis retracted his statement and I immediately directed a smile his way to show my appreciation.

“I have never seen you in our chem. class” Cherry said.

“I attend a different school” Genesis answered. If you think about it, he wasn’t lying. He’s actually my chem. partner and he truthfully went to another school.

Cherry turned to Jaden “What about you?” She asked with a seductive smile on her lips.

“I’m Jaden” He said as he introduced himself but he didn’t stop there “I’m Cali’s boyfriend” I almost gagged on my own spit when I heard.

Cherry and Anjola looked as shocked as I was while Genesis looked amused. “Cali never told us she had a boyfriend” Anjola said “-A hot boyfriend for that matter” she eventually added licking her lips.

“We didn’t want to go public just yet, but we are ready for that now, aren’t we Cali?” Jaden carefully asked me. I was dumbfounded at that moment.

When I finally found my voice, I nodded and said “Yeah” with a bright smile.

“You also attend a different school?” Cherry asked him.

“Unfortunately” Jaden sighed. “Every hour I’m away from her, feels like an eternity without air” He said while pouting.

They both started awwwning with puppy dog faces and I had to confess that Jaden deserved a Grammy for the best actor of the year.

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