Chapter 4 Part 1- Whelve

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Much too my dismay, I had been awake since like five am. I kept on seeing my battered self in my sleep, so I decided to go for a jog around the neighborhood to clear my thoughts since my sanity was out of place.

After running a few laps around the neighborhood, I started heading back to the house.

My dad was already up by the time I got back.

He always got up early to watch the weather forecast most times, so I wasn't surprised when I got back to the house to meet him watching the weather forecast.

My dad was really engrossed watching it because he hadn't even noticed my presence, I figured I'd just leave him be. I left to go and prepare breakfast.

Scrambled eggs with bread would do the trick this Saturday morning- I thought to myself as I began preparing it. I had started cooking when my dad walked into the kitchen.

He had this grimy expression on his face, maybe he was just bugged off about yesterday's work.

Out of nowhere, he walked up to me and hugged me tight. I didn't know why but it seemed like he was telling me farewell

"Are you okay, pops" I asked suddenly.

He opened his mouth attempting to say something but he had shut it faster than I could say Jack Robinson.

"C'mere" He finally said. I went up to him and hugged him tightly once again and at that very moment, the door bell rang

We usually didn't have much visitors so I was wondering who it could be "Were you expecting anyone" I asked my dad

He shook his head reluctantly as I went up to the door to check who it was.

I didn't bother peeping through the hole because I knew it couldn't be a killer and even if it was actually a killer, dying didn't seem like a bad idea right now.

Finally, I opened the door and saw a man and a woman standing in front of the door.

"Are you Cali Coleman?" The woman asked me without blinking her eyelids

"Yes" I replied confusedly as I stared at the two random people standing on the porch

"You need to come with us" The mysterious man said

"Huh?" I was literally confused at that point "Why" I asked

A red flag in my mind began to show as I considered the thought of the two people being kidnappers

"It's a long story that would be explained later" The man replied me, "Is there anyone else in this house?" The man pressed on as he pushed himself in

"Yeah, my dad's in the kitchen" I said "Dadddd" I yelled hastily because this was all so confusing and I needed him to confirm if he recognized these people

"Yes lotus flower" He replied as he came towards the door. His face darkened when he saw both the man and woman

"Who are you guys and what do y'all want" He quickly asked brashly

"I'm a social worker from child care services and he's a policeman and you know clearly why we are here" The woman responded while holding a folder

Social workers? Child care services? My dad knew what exactly?- Many questions were buzzing through my head

"What's going on here?" I asked curiously

"Well, your dad......." The policeman was cut off swiftly by my dad

"It's nothing, lotus flower" My dad tried to cover up

A sudden rush of anger passed through me. What the heck, he was trying to keep another one of his petty secrets from me again.

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