Chapter 44 - Pistanthrophobia

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Truth be told, I believed everything they had just told me. "It all started with a cop knocking on my door........" I told them as I began explaining to them all that transpired from start to finish in explicit details. None of them interrupted me as I told the story. They just listened attentively.

"......and that was how we got here" I concluded. After what felt like forever I wrapped up the wild goose chase we had been on.

The witches gawked at me with incredulity when I was done. They seemed to be mute which wasn't common for them.

"Wow" Clarice expressed. "That's a very long tale"

Ludmila immediately turned to Dr Matt and John "This is true?"

"Unfortunately" John responded.

"I'm so sorry for your loss" Clarice sympathized with Dr Matt. I knew she was referring to Jemima.

Ludmila followed suit by placing her arm on Dr Matt's hand.

"She didn't deserve to die" Agatha commented with a sober expression.

Dr Matt's eyes looked teary even though no tear seeped through "It's fine". I couldn't still get over the fact that in a blink of an eye Jemima was gone.

"You said that you talked to Zoey using a telepathically link?" Ludmila asked with a crease in her brows.

"Yeah" I answered "Genesis and I discovered that we could communicate telepathically with each other. We thought it was a triplet thing and I tried communicating via the link with Zoey"

They looked surprised by my mention of telepathy. I reiterated that part of my conversation with Zoey again for them to hear.

"She thought she wasn't on earth?"

"She thinks" I corrected Agatha.

"We presumed she was here on Philia" Genesis said after a long vociferous silence "Do you know anyone that would want to kidnap Zoey?" Genesis further inquired.

"Or hurt an innocent young girl?" Dr Matt added.

"Or kill Derek" John pursued with a determined face.

"Or kidnap Sully?" I probed.

One way or the other, everyone we had mentioned had to be linked in a way. I took a wide look around the people present in the room and it was then I realized that everyone had a loved one either missing or dead.

That was the common denominator amongst us all.

The witches exchanged mutual looks with one another. I could tell there were internally debating with themselves whether on telling us or not.

"Well..." Clarice trailed off.

"What?" My curiosity held me in bondage.

"We have a hunch"

"We wouldn't mind hearing it" Genesis gently told them.

"A particular man has been on our mind" Ludmila went on to say. She gazed at me and Genesis. I gave her a look that implied 'Go on'

She sighed before finally releasing the ultimate bombshell "Victor- your dad"

They suspected my dad? "You suspect my dad?" Genesis appeared visibly confused. I was too.

Agatha nodded and I shook my head "It can't be" I laughed mockingly.

Why would my dad do all these atrocities and kidnap his own daughter Zoey? I hadn't even met him yet and they were already painting a bad image of him.

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