Chapter 12 Part 1 - Oneirataxia

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“Dinner is ready” Ellen came into the sitting room and informed us

“Jaden isn’t back yet?” Dr Matt asked his wife in a worried tone.

She shook her dad “I sent him to get some groceries from the store a few minutes before you got home”

Please don’t tell me they had another child. Sincerely, my social battery for human interaction was running out.

“I should probably call him to find out where he is” Dr. Matt said while bringing out his phone. He went to stand at the terrace outside to call Jaden or whoever the mysterious boy was.

The rest of us had gone over to sit down at the table. We were awaiting Dr Matt to get back from the terrace

“I hope you like mashed potatoes and peas” Ellen said to me. I could sense she was trying to make  small conversation with me.

Mashed potatoes and peas?- Unfortunately that was what I had yesterday at the foster home. Her question reminded me of my friends at the foster home- I badly missed them

“I actually really like mashed potatoes and peas ma’am” I told her

“That’s great” She replied with a huge grin on her face. There was an awkward silence after she said that statement.

Jemima was watching a video on the tab she was holding or else I was pretty sure she would have broken the awkward silence that dwelt amongst both of us.

Just as I was about to make a random comment, Dr Matt walked in. That man was definitely a life saver.

“Jaden said he’d be here soon that he got stuck in traffic” Dr Matt informed Ellen “Let’s eat now; I’m too starved to wait for Jaden. He’d join us soon”

“Jemima say the Grace for us sweetie” Ellen said. Jemima said the Grace in haste. I figured she was starving too.

We started digging into the food and I had to confess that this was the best mashed potatoes and peas I had ever had in my entire existence.

The potatoes were not too soft and not too hard also. It was perfectly and thoroughly cooked, also seasoned. Ellen’s a good cook, I’d give her that.

Ten minutes had passed when the so called Jaden entered. When I saw his face, I almost choked on my food.

Jaden was the stranger that stole my seat on the bus when I was coming to Queens.

This was Jaden?- He was the meanest person I’d ever met. He stole a glance at my direction when he saw my face; he was just as shocked as I was. It was clearly written on his face.

Jaden masked it quickly and greeted everyone excluding me though.

“Did you get all the groceries” Ellen asked him

“All but one- there was no chili sauce” He replied his mom.

“That’s fine” She told him “Sit down and eat or your food will get cold” Ellen commanded.

Unluckily for both of us, the only free seat was beside me, so he had no choice but to sit beside me. He reluctantly sat down and started digging into his meal.

“Hmm” He said signifying how delicious the meal was “You’ve outdone yourself this time mom”
He was sitting directly opposite her, so he leaned over the table and pecked her on her right cheek.

“Thanks Jaden” His mom said with a grateful look on

“Who’s the stranger with us” Jaden blurted out immediately after his mom had expressed over the statement he had earlier made.

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