Chapter 32 - Lacuna

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Ellen stared out the window throughout the entire ride to the hotel and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in her head.

Truth was, people handled pain differently and I had no idea how she was handling hers. I noticed she was fiddling with something in her hands. I took a deep breath in and asked her the question I had been dreading to ask her ever since "Are you fine Ellen?"

She swallowed her spit numerous times before she gave me a reply "Do you want the truth?" I nodded.

"I'm anything but fine" She spat out with tears rolling down her cheek "I feel shattered and numb" Her cries became louder.

The police officer turned around and looked back without saying any word. He was probably in the same dilemma I was in, he didn't know what to say and I also didn't. I didn't know how to console people but I was a genuinely good listener and that had to count.

Sometimes, all we really need was a good ear to listen to how we felt. We need to be given the opportunity to talk about our pain, so we could get it off our chests and conscience.

"Let it all out" I advised Ellen.

Ellen took a breather and exhaled nosily "You know something" She wiped her tears off her face and brought out a ribbon band.

Ellen placed the ribbon in my hand "This was Jemima's favorite ribbon"

"She used it every day to pack her hair in a bun" Ellen smiled painfully "And now this was all I could salvage off her"

Ellen began weeping seriously after she said that. My eyes began to betray me as I felt them become watery.

There was no way I could cry in front of Ellen because that would only make matters worse.

Using all my wit, I straightened my face and placed the ribbon back in her hands. "But you also salvaged memories and memories can never be diminished. You salvaged her smile, laughs, and cries"

"Let's not forget her love for Frozen 2 too" I dared to add.

My last statement earned a laugh from Ellen. I placed my hand on Ellen's chest were her heart was located "No matter what, Jemima would remain here"

Ellen used her hand to support my hand on her chest, closed her eyes and smiled. She was probably reminiscing on the good moments they had had together.

Maybe I was actually a good comforter, just maybe.

The sound of a horn brought me back to reality. I immediately looked out and saw the signboard; Walnut Hotels and Suites.

"I stopped the car about five minutes and figured you were still having a moment, so I chilled a bit" The police officer told me. I hadn't even known when the car had stopped because I was too engrossed with my conversation with Ellen.

With a heart of gratitude, I smiled at him, indeed grateful for not interrupting Ellen and I.

Afterwards, we both got down from the car. I knocked on the glass window at the driver's seat motioning for the police officer to wind down his window.

He wound it down and I immediately expressed my gratitude "Thank you" I told him and meant it "For the ride and- your compassion"

He chuckled "It's no big deal, its simple courtesy" I thanked him once again before he finally drove off.

Ellen was however very quiet, not bothering to say anything. I ushered her into the hotel. The door attendant opened the sliding door for both of us to enter.

The inside was elegantly furnished with a chandelier on the ceiling. The floor was decorated with expensive tiles. It seemed like this was a five star hotel. It was obviously glaring John was rich.

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