Chapter 48 - Vagary

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"Are you sure about this?" Lucas asked me. I had just told Lucas my ridiculous plan, emphasis on the ridiculous because it really is a ridiculous plan.

The only way we could get Zoey and Sully back was if we gave Victor what he truly craved for and that was the stone totem.

The plan was all about us retrieving the stone totem from Jemima's coffin. I hadn't perfected the plan yet but I knew we weren't going to actually give the stone totem back to Victor.

"I think I am" I answered Lucas "But I'm not sure of how we are going to trick Victor"

"Hm" Lucas had on a brooding face "I guess we could make a duplicate of the stone totem when we retrieve it from the actual coffin?"

"Maybe" I shrugged my shoulders. He looked pretty psyched but then the excitement dwindled from his face as he stared at me.

"What's wrong?" I probed.

"Nothing" He quickly replaced his frown with a half smile "Are you sure about this plan, Alina?" 

Truth was, I wasn't sure about this plan.

Hell, I wasn't even sure about anything; but I wasn't going to sit at the sidelines and do nothing. At least I had to try and do something- Zoey and Sully deserved that.

"It's worth a shot" I grinned "Are you in?" I silently prayed he said yes because I had no clue how I was going to get to earth if he said no.

"Sure" He responded with enthusiasm "First off, I am really honored you chose me to accompany you to earth" He raised his eyebrows in amusement.

"Secondly?" I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"This would probably be my only chance to see how earth looks like" He told me with a blank expression. I suddenly remembered how he had asked me earlier how earth was like.

"Earth is just like Philia, minus the magical aspect" I muttered "I hope it fascinates you"

Lucas rubbed his hands together "It has too" I wanted to blurt out that the grass wasn't greener on the other side but I didn't. I obviously didn't want him to change his mind about going to earth with me.

"Is Genesis going with us?" Lucas questioned me.

Genesis was most likely going to murder me if he found out I left without him but going back to the house to wake him would be a huge risk that I wasn't ready to take.

"Nah" I answered Lucas without any further explanation. Genesis would be mad at me but he would eventually cool down.

"Erm-"Lucas began scratching his head. I bet he was surprised that I didn't want Genesis going with us.

"We should get going before the sun rises" I cleared my throat.

"Certainly" Lucas stood up from the log "We have to get out of the cave first"

"Let's go" I got up from the log and dusted the jeans I was wearing. Lucas began leading us out of the forest.

We passed through a pathway through the forest. The forest was unsurprisingly quiet and only the sounds of crickets could be heard.

Even though it was dark, I could still recognize some parts we had passed earlier when Clarice was leading us to the miniature house.

Finally, we got to the opening of the cave would take us back to the main city Philia.

Lucas entered into the cave first and I went along behind him. The cave was utterly dark but Lucas was still holding the candle as a guide.

We walked for a while without conversing. I wanted to strike up a conversation but I didn't know how to start it.

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