Chapter 35 - Dormiveglia

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Genesis looked just as confused as I was but I opted to just leave it be as usual. I shrugged- We'd possibly see what he had implied tomorrow.

"C'mon guys" Dr Matt motioned "We have to head back to the hotel before Ellen does something drastic"

"What about Jaden?" I whispered.

"He'd get over this and meet us at the hotel when he's pass this" Dr Matt replied me. I really wanted to see Jaden before we took off tomorrow.

We headed to Dr Matt's car "Where did y'all sleep yesterday night?" I asked Genesis when he had entered into the car.

By now, Dr Matt had started driving. John was seated in front with Dr Matt and they were discussing something in hush whispers.

Trust me, I tried eavesdropping but alas I barely could hear what they were saying.

"Oh, we stayed over at the hotel" Genesis answered me.

"Are you serious?"

"As serious as I could ever be" Genesis replied me "We drove back to the hotel shortly after you left and ordered a suite"

"Why didn't call me or come over?" I uttered for Genesis to hear.

No wonder why it was easy for the man that brought the clothes to appear in front of the door just when Dr Matt had said so.

"Dr Matt ordered us not to tell where we were at" Genesis explained to me "He didn't want to see Ellen yesterday"

"He literally howled the whole night" Genesis added.

Poor Dr Matt, he didn't want Ellen to see him in the vulnerable and frail state he was in last night.

"He seems better now" I commented and took a glimpse at him. He was still silently talking with John.

Genesis shrugged "He basically has no choice but to strong for Ellen and Jaden" I nodded in concurrence. Genesis had hit the nail on the head without missing any detail.

We arrived at the hotel and all got down from the car. We were walking into the hotel at this point.

All of a sudden, Dr Matt stopped on his tracks abruptly and turned facing me.

"Ummm" Dr Matt began saying "We lodged at the hotel yesterday"

He didn't need to feel guilty because he was just taking time off to recuperate and gather his emotions concerning Jemima's death "I know" I firmly told him without blinking my eyelids.

"Since that's cleared, I wanted to tell you that I would be spending some quality time with my wife "He pointed at me "And you would staying with John and Genesis" He declared.

I raised my eyebrows slightly at what he had said. Don't tell me it's what I'm thinking about. Genesis cleared his throat instantly. He probably knew what I was thinking of.

"What?" Dr Matt asked genuinely confused.

"You said-" Genesis coughed "-spend some time"

"And?" Dr Matt looked confused.

John went beside him and whispered something into his ears. "Oh" He immediately uttered as his eyeballs suddenly popped out and he looked embarrassed.

"I didn't mean it like that" He explained "I meant I wanted to talk to her about Jemima's death and grief with her"

"We haven't exactly gotten the opportunity to talk about it" He included.

"Oh" Genesis and I said in relief. I didn't want to believe Genesis and I had a dirty mindset.

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