Chapter 12 Part 2 - Elegiac

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I shook my head as I cleaned my eyes with my blouse “No, he can’t be dead” I opposed

“He disintegrated into thin air not that he died” I tried convincing myself. This can’t be true, please.

Dr Matt put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. I sniffed and attempted to clean my eyes once more

“Where are my other siblings?” I gathered the strength to ask. On the bright side, I found out I had other siblings

“Genesis is with John in Brooks. They are doing quite well” He told me “He’s gotten married like twice now” He answered with a bemused expression.

I smiled- At least Genesis seemed to have a splendid life.

“Zoey?” I asked about my sister
“I paid a man and a woman to take care of her. They live two blocks away from this house” He updated me

Wait what? People were willing to take of a child that wasn’t theirs?
 Nowadays, people were just about willing to do anything for money.

He paused and stared at me with a despondent expression. I knew something was definitely wrong
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.

“Well-“ He began to say as he rubbed his neck “The people I put in charge of Zoey called me about ten minutes ago to inform me that they couldn’t find her” He winced and continued with a low-spirited expression.

The hell?- And immediately my smile turned to a frown “Disappeared to where?” I further questioned.

“They don’t know” He willingly expatiated “Truth is, Zoey is a wild girl. She attends a lot of parties and sometimes she takes off on her own”

“They told me when they couldn’t find her at first, they just thought she had probably slept in her friend’s house” Dr Matt expanded “But neither them or her friends have seen her today and she isn’t picking her calls either”

Zoey’s missing- I felt like my whole life was crumbling. The more Dr Matt kept talking, the more annoyed I got. “Why didn’t you just take care of her and give her a normal life, you were supposed to guard her, am I right? And now she’s gone?” I said while shouting. I had gotten up from and chair and was literally panting.

This was legit his fault

“Trust me when I say that I actually planned to take care of her myself but after three months on earth, I met Ellen and fell in love with her”

“Bullshit” I immediately uttered.

“Her father was a very wealthy and disciplined man. I knew he wouldn’t allow me get married to Ellen if he found out I had a child out of wedlock” He kept on telling me

“So more or less you decided to get a life of your own and you got married, then you got someone else to take care of Zoey and now we can’t find her?” I probed while having on a disgusted look.

“Everything just kind of happened, I fell in love with Ellen and everything clicked” He tried defending himself but I think he saw that I was not buying the excuse

“You could just have told Ellen’s dad that you had another child” I stated.

“Technically, I didn’t give birth to Zoey and my job was too protect her” He told me “She’s safer far being away from me than by my side” He stated “See what happened to your dad just because he took care of you himself” He further pointed out.

Much to my distaste, I realized that what that he was saying was valid and there no point of arguing with him anymore.

Everything was complicated at this point. My dad disintegrated into thin air, and Zoey, my long lost sister was missing.

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