Chapter 59 - Beatinest

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"What do you mean?" I asked her with confusion mixed with the despair tone of my voice. I tried walking up to her again but she kept walking backwards with a frightened expression on.

What had Victor done to her? "What did you do Alina?" Genesis enquired from me when he saw her stepping backwards.

"I didn't do anything" I replied him exasperatedly "I swear, I didn't" I could feel the gaze of everyone on me.

"Hey, hey, hey" Genesis ran towards her. He was trying to soothe her. She paused and allowed him get to her.

Genesis pointed at me "She's your triplet sister- Alina. I call her Ali though" He took her hand and tried leading her to me but she refused to budge.

"She can't be my sister" Zoey uttered and freed herself from Genesis' hold. She ran to Victor and hid behind him.

It was like I was slapped in the face when I heard what she had said "Isn't that Zoey?" I asked the protectors that were present.

"She is the one" Dr Matt confirmed. I saw he was also confused by the way Zoey had acted when I tried conversing with her.

I furrowed my eyebrows "Why is she acting like that and why did she say that?" I further asked but Dr Matt and John just shrugged their shoulders insinuating they had no idea why.

Lucas was done releasing the witches from where they were hung and they were approaching where we were, while Lucas, Maria and Catherine had returned to where Victor stood.

"What have you done with Zoey?" Dr Matt stepped closely to Victor and furiously asked him. Zoey was holding timidly onto Victor.

The witches had already gotten to where we were and as I much as I wanted to exchange pleasantries, there wasn't any time for that. I exchanged with each of them a simple nod that had to suffice as something.

Right away, I heard Clarice ask Genesis to explain what was going on, which he did ever so willingly.

"You're asking me?" Victor chortled "You shouldn't ask me but rather, you should ask our dearest Alina, what she has done to Zoey"

"Me?- You're clearly delusional" I retorted "You have the stone totem and all we want is Zoey"

We couldn't run away or leave if Zoey wasn't coming with us, it wouldn't make any iota of sense "You must have brainwashed or lied to her about me" I continued saying "So please, tell her the truth and allow her come with us" I pleaded.

Victor had the audacity to hiss as he crossed his arms "You don't get it, do you?"

"We don't have any time for your games" Dr Matt roared "Hand Zoey over now" I could spot a vein popping around his neck.

Catherine was tapping Victor on his shoulder. It seemed she wanted to tell him something but Victor commanded her to be quiet and stay behind him without talking.

He specifically told her to allow him do all the talking. I also noticed that Lucas and Maria were as well keeping to themselves and hadn't bothered involving themselves with the conversation we were having.

Victor clearly had a strong hold on them and what they did.

Meanwhile, Jaden and come over to stand with Dr Matt and I while the others were behind us.

"But I'm not holding her"  Victor snickered as he made Zoey come to the front of him "Why don't you ask her why she's acting this way- She would obviously have a good reason why" Victor ended it by smirking.

Jaden was already cracking his knuckles like he was preparing for a fight "I'll handle him Alina"

Jaden began running towards Victor until I pulled him back "Someone once told me violence won't solve anything" I quoted him from earlier with a smile "-But rather negotiating might"

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