Chapter 21 - Eleutheromania

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Jaden and I walked to the car and entered without any delay "You guys really took your time in there" Genesis stated immediately we got in.

"He was a tough nut to crack" Jaden told Genesis while smirking "But he eventually cracked" Jaden didn't fail to add.

"Jaden was a boss in there" I gleefully said like a little girl.

As soon as the words rushed out from my mouth, I instantly regretted ever saying them.

"It seems someone has a huge crush on me" Jaden said with a wide grin.

"Whatever" I replied. I saw him wearing a smirk from the rearview mirror.

Genesis just chuckled to himself as usual "Where are we going now?" He asked.

"To Ali's house" Jaden answered Genesis.

At this point, all I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and sleep. Today was tiring enough on its own. I told Jaden the address to my house and watched him type it into the GPS.

Throughout the journey to my house, I didn't bother myself with saying anything. Genesis and Jaden were chatting about basketball which made me remember Josiah.

Little Josiah- I missed that little guy.

My thoughts wandered to Sully. Maybe if I had never escaped, she would still be safe in the orphanage.

Was I just a destroyer of things? My dad had disintegrated into thin air, because of me.

Also, Sully was most likely kidnapped because of me and to top it off, maybe I was the main reason why Zoey had disappeared.

Perhaps, I was simply a self destruct button waiting to be pressed- Once again, I began feeling tears pricking from the corners of both my eyes.

Looking down at my- self inflicted injuries I had on both my arms, I sensed a meltdown coming up. There was this dark void I couldn't quite comprehend within me. I tried calming down myself from doing anything rash.

The main reason why I had embarked on this adventure was to find my purpose and right then, I made a promise to myself to indeed find the reason why I was brought into the world.

"We are here" Genesis said snapping me out from my depressing thoughts.

"I can see that" I murmured softly. I looked around and saw that the neighborhood looked the same. I got down and led them to the front porch.

When we had reached the door, I bent down and I lifted the welcome rug in front of the door. Underneath the rug was the spare key to our house.

"Your dad hid the spare key underneath the rug?" Jaden asked with amusement in his eyes. I knew he clearly wanted to make fun of the hiding spot we had so I paid no heed to his question.

It was best that way because I was in a foul mood and I didn't want to transfer my aggression towards anyone. Jaden must have eventually realized that because he didn't bother saying anything again.

With the key in the door lock, I opened the door and allowed both of them go in before letting myself in, and then shutting the door.
My nose had a whiff of the scent of the air I - It smelt like home, home sweet home.

A spree of bittersweet memories started rushing into my head. I subconsciously saw my dad seating down on the couch watching television.

It was then I grasped that coming back here might not have been my best idea yet. This place held a lot of unforgettable memories. I heaved a sigh- This was going to be a long night.

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