Chapter 17 - Consanguinity

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"Why did she take Sully away?" I asked Gretel as soon as I found my voice.

I began pacing around the room involuntarily.

"She said two people wanted to adopt Sully" Gretel replied me. I was definitely no fisherman but I smelt something fishy.

"But I considered it kind of weird because no one from this foster home has never been adopted before" She continued telling me.

Something was wrong here. Why did Ms Redwood take Sully away?

No sensible reason could come to my head but I had a feeling it was because I had escaped. I saw red at that moment. She had no right not take Sully away.

"Where's Ms Redwood?" I inquired from Gretel as I exasperatedly put my hand on my head.

"She hasn't been back since yesterday when she went out with Sully" Gretel told me "She put the maid in charge of us"

Clearly this wasn't normal "Did she act strange- I'm talking about Ms Redwood?" I quickly asked.

Gretel took a thoughtful stance -"Now that you ask, yes"

I gave a look which urged her to go on."Well-" Gretel began to say "I noticed she received multiple calls yesterday"

Sully was in danger, I could feel it. All rational thoughts had gone away from my mind. I had to get Sully back; I had to get Sully get. Staying here wouldn't amount to anything.

"Thanks Gretel"- I told her while giving her a hug hastily "Extend my greetings to Ife and Josiah" I quickly began to retreat to head back to the car when I heard. Gretel ask "Is Sully in trouble?"

Hell, I didn't know if she was in trouble, it was just a hunch. I didn't want to scare her, so I couldn't possibly tell her that I thought she was in trouble. I smiled and said- "I don't think so"

"If she's actually in trouble, you'd save her right?" Gretel asked me. I looked into her eyes and saw the pool of worry she had in them.

"Definitely" I told her while I leaned back to fiddle with her hair "I would definitely save her"

Gretel jumped on me and gave me a huge hug. I was shocked but I just embraced her tightly and enjoyed the hug.

It was after she pulled away that I realized how much I had badly needed the hug. I beamed and jokingly told her that if I didn't go now, I wouldn't be able to get away from her warming hugs and I'd sleep in her arms to ensure that was possible.

She laughed and few seconds later I was heading back to the car with so many unanswered questions: Where was Sully? Where did Ms Redwood take her to? Was Ms Redwood working for the bad guys that kidnapped Zoey and made my dad disappear?

Everything was just so confusing at the moment- Did Ms Redwood take Sully to get to me? Could it be possible?

Hurriedly, I rushed down to the car, I was eager to tell them about the new development.

When I had already gotten to the car, I entered the backseat, since Genesis had already taken my position in front.

"That was exactly fourteen minutes and twenty four seconds" Jaden jeered as I sat down "Nice work dingwat" He mocked me.

Genesis and Jaden started laughing but I didn't join them laughing. They probably noticed this and Genesis looked back and saw my serious face.

"Are you fine Alina?" Genesis immediately asked me with worry etched into his face "Did you see your friends?"

After taking a deep breath, I began telling them everything I had just discovered.

"Wow" Jaden said after I was done "And you're sure that Ms Redwood didn't take her to be adopted?"

I shook my head "Gretel said that no as ever being adopted from the foster home"

Both of them had to agree that it was awkward "It can't be a coincidence that Ms Redwood took Sully away one day after I had gone" I informed them.

"Unless she took her to get to you?" Genesis asked.

"That's the same thing I thought" I told him.Why would she want to get to me? Why would she want me?

"But it doesn't make sense" I stated.

"It does and you low key know it does" Jaden countered "Zoey got kidnapped, so it makes sense if they want to kidnap you too" He explained.

Jaden phone began ringing. I could see the caller id and it was his mom.

He swiftly declined the call "She has been calling nonstop since morning" Jaden informed us.

"Smart choice not to pick" Genesis told him. I highly doubted if we would be able to head back to Queens today. It was already like 2pm and we hadn't even done what we really came here for.

"I don't think we would be able to go home today" Genesis said voicing out my stated thoughts.

"What?" I heard Jaden say "I have a physics test tomorrow"

"You'd have to skip it" Genesis advised Jaden.

"What about my mom? What should I tell her?" Jaden said.

"Ummmm, I don't know" I said sarcastically as I placed my fingers on my chin stylishly "Why don't you tell her one of the numerous lies you constantly feed her with?"

Jaden glared at me with distaste as he detected my sarcasm "Or just turn off your phone?" Genesis suggested.

"Thanks Genesis for saving my ass" Jaden told Genesis while still glaring at me.

"We've wasted enough time, let's go find that cop" Genesis said bringing us back to the reality of the plan. I gave them the directions to the police station and we reached there sooner than later since it wasn't exactly far.

"Remember the plan?" Genesis asked Jaden. During the short ride to the station, we had hatched up a dumb plan on how to check if the policeman was inside.

Jaden was going to go inside and ask for the policeman- I had given a description of the man. I could only hope Jaden was able to recognize him.

It was a lame plan but it was the best we had at that point. I would have gone but he would recognize me. And obviously Genesis couldn't go because they were probably after him, which clearly left Jaden to do the job.

"Are you ready?" I asked Jaden

He nodded "You guys should keep watch, just in case he comes out"

"Aye aye" I told him as he got out of the car and left.

I looked around and saw a few people passing by "Do you think she's dead?" Genesis blurted out randomly.

Obviously, he was referring to Zoey of course.

To be honest, I didn't think she was dead. Call it eerie but I could feel it in my bones that she was alive, call it a triplet connection or whatever. "I don't think so, I have a premonition she's still alive" I confidently told Genesis.

I held Genesis' hands and said "We will find her and Sully, don't worry" I saw a smile light up his face and I was contented with it. Seeing Genesis happy made me happy, I don't know why.

"I really do hope she's alive and you aren't feeding me with lies to make happy" I thought I heard him say.

"She is" I told him with my brows creased.

"Huh" Genesis whipped his head to stare at me "I didn't say anything" Genesis told me.

"Um, but you did" I corrected him "You said- I really do hope she's alive and you aren't feeding me with lies" I said with a comical voice to lighten up the mood.

Genesis looked at me oddly "I didn't say that out loud" He stated with a guilt ridden expression on.

"Geez, stop being paranoid and weird Alina" I heard him say once again. I noticed his lips didn't move but I just figured he was talking too fast.

"I'm not being weird and paranoid" I defended myself. I was highly offended he thought of me that way.

"You are highly offended because you claim you heard me say you are weird and paranoid?" Genesis asked puzzled.

Wait what? I didn't tell him that, or did I? "You said that?" He asked me with a puzzled facial expression.

"I only thought of it" I informed him. Thought of it? Could we possibly hear each other's thoughts?

He looked at me strangely and said "Look at my mouth and tell me what you hear and I'd do the same"

"Testing 1,2,3, Alina can you hear me?" I heard him say but not once did I see his lips move.

"Holy shit" I shrieked.

"I can hear you" I said in my mind without moving my lips and he nodded confirming that he could hear me too. I could hear his thoughts- I could legit hear what he was thinking about and he could also hear me too; what I was thinking about.

"Holy mother of God" Genesis exclaimed. Someone pinch me and tell me this wasn't real.

"We can hear each other's thoughts" I said "How's that even possible?"

"Must be a triplet connection thing, I guess" Genesis excitedly said "Or maybe we can actually hear people's thoughts?" He added.

"Let's test it" I quickly said eagerly. I saw a woman pushing a stroller with a baby inside. Pointing to them I told Genesis "Can you hear what she's thinking?"

Genesis closed his eyes and I did the same but I couldn't hear anything .I looked back at Genesis and he shook his head to signify he couldn't hear anything.

"But you hear mine?"- Genesis asked me in his mind.

I grinned. If this was a triplet connection thingy, it wouldn't be that bad"Yeah"- I replied in my head. He nodded verifying that he heard me initially.

"I guess we can communicate telepathically" Genesis said beaming.

"How cool is that" I replied him grinning.

As I was grinning, I suddenly saw a familiar face, the face of the man that we were looking for, Adam. He had started his car and was preparing to leave.

I looked closely at the man and saw that Adams was written on his cop uniform- that must be his name.

We had been too distracted that we had forgotten what we were actually here for "That's him" I quickly shouted for Genesis to hear.

"What?" Genesis uttered.

"That's the cop that came to my house and arrested my dad" I quickly said. The man had already started driving off.

Neither Genesis nor I could drive meaning we couldn't follow the man. Genesis got down from the car. I could see him internally debating whether he should run after the car or not.

Eventually, I saw Genesis put his head down and walk back towards the car

Shit happens.



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Merci Beaucoup.

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