Chapter 15 - Strikhedonia

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Dr Matt took one look at Jaden and politely asked him to go watch his sister because he wanted to talk to us "I know everything, I heard everything you told Alina last night" Jaden quickly blurted out.

Dr Matt glared at him and started pacing about "Why did you listen in on our conversation yesterday?"- He said with a stern face.

"The more you know, the more danger you are in" He worriedly mentioned "You can't get involved in this Jaden, go watch your sister and pretend you didn't hear anything last night" He tried pleading with him but Jaden stubbornly shook his head.

"Please" Dr Matt kept on appealing to Jaden.

"I'm getting involved in this whether you like it or not" Jaden adamantly retorted to Dr Matt.

"No, I won't put you in danger" Dr Matt argued with him.

Jaden was bloody eighteen years old, which meant he was old enough to single handedly make decisions for himself.

"I'm really sure mom would really love to hear that she married a protector from another universe, right?" Jaden threatened Dr Matt.

Even I had to admit, Jaden wasn't playing fair. I looked over to both John and Genesis. They both looked bored.

"If he wants to be part of this, then allow him" I shrugged my shoulders "I mean it's his life and choice to make" I continued saying tired of the pointless argument.

Jaden gave me a grateful look right there and I nodded back in return. I saw Dr Matt pondering about the whole scenario in front of him.

"Well?" I asked Dr Matt.

"Just allow him" Genesis said "It's clear you have much to lose if you don't oblige his request" He added truthfully.

Genesis was more than right on Dr Matt having a lot more to lose if he didn't accept Jaden's request

"Okay" Dr Matt finally concurred "But when it becomes too dangerous, you are out"

A little part of me was excited that Jaden was going to be in on this adventure. "How are we tracking down Zoey?"- Genesis asked reminding us of the very important matter we had at hand.

"After both Dr Matt and I both read the letter your father left for you, we decided that getting to Philia would be our best bet for figuring out what's wrong" John explained.

"What letter?" Both Jaden and Genesis asked simultaneously. It was then I remembered I hadn't informed both Jaden and Genesis yet. "I will fill you guys in later" I notified them.

"When do we go to Philia?" Genesis asked eagerly.

"We? There are no we" Dr Matt suddenly said while gazing intensely at Jaden.

"What? How can we be useful then?" Jaden inquired from both protectors.

"By staying at home and looking after the house" John continued gibbering nonsense. They must be delusional if they really think we were going to stay in Queens and do nothing.

I would have clearly understood if they had told Jaden to stay but they had no audacity to tell Genesis and I to stay- For crying out loud we were her siblings.

"So both of you are going to Philia alone?" I asked looking at both Dr Matt and John with distaste.

"Yeah" Dr Matt immediately replied me.

"You still haven't told us where Philia is" I dared to confront Dr Matt while crossing my hands.

Dr Matt and John exchanged looks for a brief second, and Dr Matt reluctantly said "None of your business"

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