Chapter 57 - Súton

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As I walked out to meet Jaden and Lucas, I found Lucas conversing with Jaden. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but Jaden didn't look angry anymore.

Whatever Lucas told him did the trick. Seeing this made me quite happy- I didn't know why but the scene in front of me injected me with hope that everything was going to be alright in the end.

We were going to be okay- Zoey, Genesis, Sully, Dr Matt, John, Clarice, Agatha, Ludmila, Jaden, I and maybe Lucas.

Eventually, I made my presence known by clearing my throat. Both boys turned to look at me abruptly.

"We should probably head to Hangar's point now" I stated meekly but loud enough for both of them to hear.

"Yupps" Jaden replied me eagerly with a cheshire smile on. I smiled back at him because he somewhat had an infectious smile.

He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders playfully. Jaden was never really good with apologies, so I took it that this gesture was his way of apologizing for his petulant behavior earlier.

"We have a lot to talk about later" Jaden bent down to whisper in my ears. I beamed with joy as I heard this because I had a feeling he was talking about the possibility of 'us'. I couldn't again wait for all this to be over.

The faster we accomplished this mission, the sooner, we get back.

"Lucas?" I called his name. He was the only one amongst us that knew where Hangar's point was located.

Lucas knew what I was asking from him immediately because he motioned that we should follow him.

Before we left, I discreetly shot Lucas a grateful look and he acknowledged it by nodding his head slightly and giving me a toothy grin.

Lucas began leading the way to Hangar's point. We retraced our steps back to the cave. Lucas took us through the cave and after a while we got out of the cave.

At this point, we were in the forest. I noticed that there was a pathway that continued after the cave.

Instead of going backwards towards the Black Phoenix territory, Lucas went forward into the forest and we followed him.

"Doesn't this lead to the E-Phoenix's territory" I paused and asked Lucas because I was confused. I had stopped walking while Jaden and Lucas were ahead of me.

John had told me the forest was the division between the Black Phoenix and E-Phoenix territory.

"Yeah, but the Hangar's point is towards that side" Lucas explained to me as he pointed forward.

"Oh" I replied "Okay" I didn't bother asking any further questions during the course of the journey to Hangar's point.

Jaden and I kept strolling behind Lucas.

The forest kept getting thicker as we went deeper and my heart kept becoming more agitated with every step we were taking.

Nonetheless, the forest was creepy but since I was with guys, I wasn't afraid because I knew they had my back.

Signs of the forest started fading away slowly. I was no longer seeing trees, plants and grasses.

Then finally, I stopped seeing trees or any forest related icon. The path became clear without any obstacles and the ground we were treading on became muddy and sticky.

The path became narrower as we continued walking on "Are we on the right path?" I heard Jaden ask Lucas from behind me.

Since the part was extremely narrow, we each had to walk vertically. Lucas was in front, I was in the middle of the two boys and Jaden was behind me, at the back.

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