Chapter 47 - Morosis

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"We have to move on" I saw Agatha trying to encourage them.

John nodded his head and had on a determined look "Update us on what really happened"

"As you know, Derek found us. We restored his memory and told him everything" Agatha mentioned to them "He promised us not to inform any of you and that he would try to link the triplets together for safety reasons"

My dad had connected Genesis and I together.

"We figured that out when we Alina told us she knew Genesis" I heard John explain to them.

"Before Derek left, we gave him the stone totem for safekeeping because we were afraid Victor would find our secret hiding spot sooner than later" I made out Clarice telling them.

The stone what?

"The stone totem?" Dr Matt asked them.

"Yes" Clarice verified.

"Apparently Victor was tracking him and found a way to penetrate through the barrier" Ludmila informed them.

"WHAT?!" John shouted out loud.

Dr Matt clapped his hands in sudden realization "Victor must have known he was in possession of the totem and must have pursued him"

"We believe that's what happened" I heard Clarice go on to say.

"We have good reason to believe Victor is in possession of the stone totem and we have to get it back" Agatha mentioned.

"No" Dr Matt abruptly said "He isn't with the totem"

The witches looked at him in confusion "Why do you say so?" I observed Ludmila further question them.

John smirked before saying "Because we are with it"

The witches mouth fell wide opened suddenly with amazement. They gave Dr Matt and John a look to explain what they were saying.

"Can you remember the sheet of paper Derek gave Alina before he disintegrated?" I heard Dr Matt begin to explain to them.

"Yes" Agatha replied "Sun seed paper- It needs the ray of the sunlight for the message to appear"

My legs started stinging me because we were cramped in the shed, so I opted to lean towards Lucas for support which made the current intimate position we were in more intimate.

Lucas didn't seem to mind because he didn't say anything to stop me and I went back to eavesdropping on their conversation.

"He left a message that only we could understand" John further informed them "Just like we had a secret slang amongst each other we also had a secret code to communicate.

"He used lemon juice to write the address of the someplace. The lemon juice made the writing invisible and only heat could bring the true writing out. So when Alina brought the paper to me and I smelt the lemon juice, I figured it out" I heard Dr Matt explain.

"We went to the place" John continued for Dr Matt "Immediately we saw the stone totem, we were scared and had to drop it because it released some certain type of fear in us. We didn't understand it then-"

"-but since you've restored our memory, it all makes sense" I heard Dr Matt conclude for John.

It was then I recalled the paper had smelt like lemon juice.

"That's great but where's the stone totem now?" Clarice instantly asked without any delay.

"It's in a safe space" Dr Matt answered.

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