Chapter 31 - Igneous

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"You are still here?" The paramedic tapped me bringing me back to reality.

"I'm sorry" I told him and went out quickly before he asked me any further questions.

Someone wanted Dr Matt's family dead? I ran as fast as my legs could take me to find Dr Matt because I wanted to inform him someone wanted them dead.

But I stopped suddenly in my tracks as an impulsive thought popped into my mind- How do you tell a father that his only daughter died out of a premeditated fire attack?

Seeing as it was going to be futile shot, I sighed and turned back from finding Dr Matt.

Dr Matt deserved to mourn for his daughter without hearing anymore devastating news but I had to at least tell someone.

"Genesis" I called out to him telepathically.

"Ali" He called right back.

"Where you at" I asked him immediately.

"Back of the house with John and Dr Matt" He replied me. I imagined how Dr Matt was holding up. He wouldn't be doing too well but he had John to comfort him at least.

"I have information"

"What's that?" He asked me.

"Meet me in front of Jaden's car in five"

"Sure" Genesis told me.

Briskly, I walked to the front Jaden's car and wondered where Jaden had placed himself.

Genesis hadn't mentioned that he was with them. Wherever he was, I hoped he was alright. He had to be taking Jemima's death to heart.

His dad had died and his little sister had died too. How much could his already broken heart take?

By now, I had gotten to the car and was waiting for Genesis to come over.

While I was waiting for Genesis to come over, I took a glance at the house and saw how badly burnt it was. The house was beyond repairable.

The roof had been burnt down to the very brim and the concrete of the building had been demolished by the fire.

Anyone could literally see the black dominant color appearing all over the remains of the house.

The fire was truly destructive and to think someone planned this fire intentionally. The person definitely had something personally against Dr Matt's family.

Could it have been the same person that made my father disintegrate? Was it the same person that kidnapped Zoey and Sully?

Anything could be possible. 

Finally, Genesis strolled up to me "How's he holding up" I referred to Dr Matt.

He sighed "He's not taking it well"

"What about Jaden?" I rubbed my hand on my face.

"I haven't seen him since he took off after he heard the news about his sister being dead" I really hoped he was truly fine wherever he was. I wanted to call him immediately but I decided against it.

Everyone deserved a mourning and wallowing period.

"You said you had important information to tell me" Genesis broke my chain of thoughts.

"I eavesdropped into a policeman and fireman's conversation" I stated as Genesis gave me a look telling me to go on.

"The fire was premeditated" I explained "It was arson"

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