Chapter 41 - Apothegm

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My eyes couldn't believe what it was actually seeing; I mean I couldn't believe I had actually opened the stone covering the cave. I adjusted my face to conceal my initial shock and cleared my throat to catch the attention of the stunned people before me.

"I guess we wouldn't need the grenade any longer" I added with smug expression.

Dr Matt glared at me apologetically while Genesis rushed to embrace me and said "We did it Ali" I shot a smile towards him.

"Nice work Alina" John commended me while patting my back. I grinned cheekily and waited for Dr Matt to say something positive.

"We should head in" Dr Matt said and advanced into the cave. I stared at him and kept on blinking my eyes numerous times while Genesis and John followed him in without glancing at my reaction.

A simple thank you could suffice from Dr Matt's mouth. I fudged ahead after a while of sulking and met up with the others.

The cave was dark and not surprisingly quiet. John had lit up a stick with fire and was using it to illuminate the darkness of the cave.

Since John was the one with the stick, he stayed in front of us and led us into the far depths of the cave.

Our footsteps were quiet and hardly could be heard. We didn't know who and what was in the cave.

There was always a high chance that the witches weren't the ones in the cave and rather it was some sort of horrible one eyed monster that could gobble us all in a second.

None of us had bothered saying a word to one another and I could tell we were possibly scared of what we were about to discover in this wretched cave.

We all had to bend down as some bats started flying towards our direction. We continued walking for a while until Genesis decided to break the silence "Hey Alina" I heard him whisper to me in a muffled voice "Listen to this"

He went on to shout "Hello"

We were obviously in a cave and caves usually reflected sounds. Thereby making the 'Hello' he had said to echo throughout the cave.

The echo seemed loud enough to alert whoever was in the cave that trespassers were present.

Dr Matt turned back right away when he heard the echo and stared angrily at Genesis. "You've just alerted whoever is in the cave that they are intruders in the cave" He went on to say while slapping his hand on his head.

Genesis looked somewhat unbothered "We were going to come across them anyways. It's way more reasonable to lure them in"

Dr Matt muttered an inaudible sentence under his breath. He still appeared to be pretty mad at Genesis for warning the inhabitants of the cave about us intruders.

"Cut him some slack" John intervened. By now, he had stopped walking in front of us and was facing us "You know he's somewhat right"

Truthfully, I didn't know if trying to lure them in was a great idea but usually Genesis always acted level headed and I wasn't just about to doubt him yet.

"He clearly meant no harm" I tried convincing Dr Matt.

Dr Matt adjusted his slumped shoulders "You better hope we come out of this cave alive or else...." He trailed off not even bothering completing his sentence.

He snatched the lit stick torch from John and continued walking further into the cave. John ran up to catch up with Dr Matt while Genesis and I stayed at the back of the troop.

"Nice thinking dimwit" I amusingly mocked Genesis "You better be right about this"

He shrugged and gave me a toothy grin "Let's see"

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