Chapter 22- Opia

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"Wakey, wakey Alina" I heard someone say. I prayed the person was a figment of my imagination and it wasn't actually morning yet.

"Alina" The voice reiterated and I realized it was indeed morning.

"Mmmmm" I mumbled back to whoever the heck was waking me up.

"Alina, we have to start heading home" I slightly opened my eyes a bit and saw it was Genesis talking. I spotted Jaden standing behind him.

"Dr Matt and John are back" Jaden abruptly told me out of nowhere.

What Jaden had said definitely caught my attention because I whipped my head up immediately. "What??" I exclaimed clearly not sleepy anymore.

"John called me this morning and he sounded really pissed off that we left home" Genesis explained to me.

"Shit" I cursed.

Dr Matt and John were going to murder us for defying their instructions. Instantly, I stood up from the bed and told both of the guys to give me ten minutes to get ready.

They nodded and told me to hurry up then they got out. Once they were out, I checked the time and saw it was still early.

While grumbling to myself of never having a peaceful sleep, I got into the shower and started to get ready. In about seven minutes or less, I was ready. I packed some more clothes to take on the trip and left the room. I went to meet Genesis and Jaden in the kitchen.

"Are you ready?" Genesis asked me.

"Yeah" I replied him.

"Let's go" Genesis said bringing me back to the present day "We'd grab something to eat on the way" I was okay with that and began heading to the door when Jaden pulled me back by the arm.

Already, Genesis had already gone outside.

"Are you still mad at me?" Jaden asked me. I looked at his face and he really looked concerned if I was mad at him or not.

He really did care, didn't he? I shook my head "I wasn't really mad at you last night" I began explaining to him "I was just really in a bad place and a foul mood"

"Yeah, that's great" He was scratching his head nervously. Jaden seemed pretty uneasy this morning.

"Um, we should probably go join Genesis outside" Jaden finally said after a long pause.

He started walking outside when I called his name "Jaden"

Jaden turned around "Yeah?"
"Thanks-" I began saying and paused for a brief second "For the pizza" I pointed out.

He smiled and I showed me his dimples "No biggie" He told me.

We both walked out the door and I met Genesis in the front seat of the car. I looked at him and he stared at me back.

He grinned amusedly "First come, first served" He was obviously referring to the front seat and I just scowled at him in return.

It was then I realized he hadn't complained about his leg he had injured yesterday. I shrugged my shoulders as I knew it was better. He had probably been making a big fuss over a small injury.

Without much ado, Jaden got behind the steering wheel and started driving us away from Sege. I hummed to the tune of one of Drake's greatest hits "Kiki, do you love me, are you riding?"

I seemed in a rather happy mood this morning and I couldn't place my hands exactly why that was.

There clearly had to be a reason and I tried replaying the events that took place yesterday night in my head.

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