Chapter 60 - Execrable

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Multi-personality what now? I shook my head "No, I have not"

He chuckled some more "Dr Matt" He called out to him "You must have some idea on what that is, right?"

Dr Matt nodded his head reluctantly.

"Would you mind enlightening Alina on what that is?"

Not a pin drop could be heard as Dr Matt began explaining "It's a type of disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct personality states"

Dr Matt sighed and continued explaining "The major symptoms are sleep walking, mood swings, self harm tendencies and so much more" 

After I heard the symptoms of the Multi-personality disorder, I gulped down my spit. I was a sleepwalker, I had a lot of mood swings and I self harmed a lot more than I wanted too.

But I shook my head because it didn't mean shit. The timelines were there and I had alibis to confirm my location - I had watched a lot of investigation documentaries to know that was essential.

"If you're trying to say, I have a multiple personality disorder- then you're pretty damn wrong" I twisted my body to look at Victor in his eyes "The timeline says otherwise"

"Oh, but your other side knows I'm pretty damn right "Victor countered what I had earlier said "About two weeks ago, you found me in Philia, I don't know how you did but you did"

I shook my head as this man beside me kept on telling fibs.

"You clearly told me you knew everything- I never asked how you knew everything but I suspected you found out on your own terms. You told me you knew where the stone totem was hidden but you had no idea what it was capable of"

"Liar" I screeched out but nevertheless Victor kept telling the story.

"I told you what it was capable of and you were very much delighted with what it could do that you agreed to help me with the plan- but I told you to achieve that we had to get rid of the protectors and kidnap your siblings"

"I even told you that we needed the ashes of all three of you- including you, and you agreed saying that you didn't mind dying for a good purpose. It was then you told me, you were aware that you had a multi personality disorder but your other good side had no idea of it"

He chuckled "I remember you called your dark side- Cali while you called your other good side- Alina"

Directly, I searched everyone's face to see if they were buying the lie and unfortunately for me most of them had shocking faces.

Truthfully, I was just as shocked as they were. There was no way, I believed this lie.

"You were the one that informed me that you were in foster care once and told me to report the case, in order to have you taken and also help us get rid of your dad. With the help of Catherine disguised as Ms Redwood, Adam, Maria and myself we were able to get rid of Derek- And then you kidnapped Zoey" Victor kept ranting.

"I absolutely loved my dad, why would I kill him?" I asked Victor but no one paid attention to what I had said as they kept listening to Victor's tale.

Evidently, they believed this tale that Victor was telling.

There was no way I had multi personality disorder, neither did I kidnap Zoey, nor set the Ansel's house on fire.

"We became stuck when your good side was getting in the way and when Genesis, John and Dr Matt were aware that something was amiss. We opted to get rid of Dr Matt since he was the main leader and we thought if he was gone, it would be easier to get Genesis, to complete the trio"

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