Chapter 29 - Cheiloproclitic

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"Oh oh" I heard Aaron say suddenly to me as he pulled away from the hug.

"What's wrong?" I asked him worriedly. Aaron pointed to the left direction and I looked. I saw Jaden heading our way.

His expression was priceless
"Should I talk to him or you will talk to him?" Aaron asked me while grinning widely.

"Why are you grinning?" I asked him back instead of replying his question.

He scratched his head nervously "I just remembered when I acted irrationally when I saw Zoey hugging another boy" He shrugged.

He chuckled "I surely wouldn't blame him if he punched me right now"

"Nahh" I doubted if Jaden would. He didn't seem to like me in kind of way.
In an instant of Aaron and I talking, Jaden appeared beside us "Where have you guys been?" Jaden asked furiously in a very irate driven voice.

Aaron bent down and whispered in my ear "Yeah, I want my face to be presentable for the next time I see Zoey which would be very soon, so I'll leave you to handle your caveman"

Aaron laughed quietly and I chuckled then Aaron took it at his cue to take his leave. He seemed much friendlier after he knew that Zoey wasn't ignoring him intentionally.

Jaden was warily eyeing Aaron as he was going. When Aaron was finally out of hearing range, I complimented him "You have very good acting skills, I must say" I was referring to the way he had acted like caveman.

He looked at me perplexedly before saying "You thought I was joking?"
"Weren't you not?" I asked him meekly
Jaden sighed and sucked in a considerable amount of air. "Ali, I wasn't-" Jaden started saying before he cut himself short "Never mind" He choose to say.

What he had to say could wait anyways; I had exciting news to tell him. It was the news of Zoey being Aaron's boyfriend.

"Aaron knows-" I began declaring when Jaden interrupted me.

"I need some air" Jaden decided to cut me off and he started walking away immediately.

What the hell? "Jaden" I shouted his name. He turned and looked at me hopefully "I have some exciting news"

"Not now Ali, I need air" He said once again. I noticed his facial expression changed to that of despair "Go join the others, I will meet you there" After he said that, he walked away with his head hung low.

His behavior was really confusing. I thought girls were supposed to be the confusing and complex creatures.

Without thinking twice, I went back to the others and sat down again. I saw that Aaron and Nate were seated but I saw no sign of the drunken guy- Sean
Perhaps he had probably gone.

"Where's your caveman?" Aaron asked me. By cavemen, I knew he obviously meant Jaden.

I exhaled noisily "He said he needed some air"

"Caveman?" Nate asked. He had removed his shades from his eyes and he looked more decent.

"Alina's caveman?" Aaron continued saying "Doesn't it ring a bell?"

"Oh you mean Jaden?" Nate finally said winking his eye at me which made me feel unexplainably uncomfortable.

"Hey Alina?" Aaron said and I looked up with a questioning gaze.

"Can I see you privately?" Aaron requested. I could tell he wanted to talk to me about something important- Possibly Zoey.

"Yeah" I nodded my head.

Nate rose up his eyebrows in question "Remember that another man's property" Nate reminded Aaron.

"Mind your business" Aaron barked at Nate "C'mon Alina" I went to the corner with Aaron to hear whatever he wanted to tell me.

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