Chapter 38 - Transmogrify

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"Anddd I willllll alwayssss loveee youuu" My eyelids faintly opened- What was making that noise?

"I willll alwaysss loveee youuuu" I was leaning my head against the window. I decided to sit and look around.

Everyone in the car was asleep except the driver- Dr Matt and I. Whitey Houston's voice screamed through the speakers of the car. I had to confess the music was too loud.

Dr Matt and I weren't going to be the only ones awake if he didn't turn down the volume of the music. I placed my hands on my ears to protect them from disturbing noise but that didn't help much.

"Dr Matt" I shouted on the top of my voice but he kept on driving and I guessed he hadn't heard me, so I decided to tap him.

Pushing myself forward, I tapped him and he turned back for a semi second before putting his eyes back on the road.

Genesis' ears started twitching and I knew he was going to wake up any moment from now.

"What?" He shouted back at me to hear.

"Reduce the volume" I yelled back.


No? Wait, did he just no? "No?" I yelled in a questioning manner.

"Yes" He answered back in the middle of Whitney Houston's solo.

What was up with him? "You are going to wake up everyone"

"Exactly" He screamed.

Suddenly, I saw Genesis' eyelids yank open. He sat up and looked around with a bewildered expression. He instantly used his hands to cover his ears. The music was obviously affecting him too.

"Dr Matt" Genesis immediately screamed. He tried getting up to reduce the volume of the music player but Dr Matt smacked his hand away from the music player. I didn't quite understand what Dr Matt was trying to achieve.

I saw Dr Matt's mouth moving as he looked back "It remains John now" He uttered and I realized he was trying to each of us up.

We had to suffer listening to the music for extra five minutes before John finally woke up. He blinked his eyes in incredulity and asked what was going on.

"Great, you are awake" Dr Matt commented. He then attempted to decrease the volume of the music player.

Genesis and I were still using our hands to cover our precious ears from bleeding but we dropped them when we sensed the volume of the music player had been moderated.

"We are near the border that leads to the Atlantic sea" Dr Matt told us.

"Soo-?" I asked indignantly as I scoffed. There was surely a better way he could have woken us up.

"So start getting ready to get down" Dr Matt finished off my sentence. I rolled my eyes. It's not like I had packed a bag for the journey to Philia.

Genesis sighed nervously beside and I turned to give him a reassuring glance that meant- 'Everything would be fine'

He nodded as I looked outside and realized that darkness had fallen. I didn't need to check the time to know it was late.

Fortunately for us, there were street lights illuminating the road for Dr Matt to see. From what I could see, it was like we were in a deserted place because I saw no sight of any cars passing by.

Our car was in the midst of forests even though there was a tarred road in between that we driving on. I could see that we were approaching an iron gate that had several signs that said 'stay out'

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