Chapter 16 - Oblivion

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Someone kept shaking my shoulders vigorously “Wake up Alina, we got to go” A voice said

I rubbed my eyes groggily. I was still sleepy. My body felt sore like I had been walking all night.

“What’s the time?” I asked whoever was waking me from my glorious sleep.

“4 am” The voice replied me.

“It’s too early” I stated as I turned my body to face the other side. I was already dozing off back to sleep until I felt liquid being poured on my body.

“What the hell?” I got up and said angrily. By now, I was fully awake and conscious. I spotted Genesis and Jaden a few steps away from my bed grinning. Genesis was holding a bucket in his hands.

“I told you that would do the trick” I heard Jaden cheekily inform Genesis with a smirk on.

“C’mon Ali, we’ve got to move” Genesis dragged the wet duvet away off my body. My body seemed more exhausted than I was.

While rubbing my eyelids, I remembered the itinerary we had fixed on our list today “Can’t we postpone this trip to later?” I begged as I tried getting out of bed but my body betrayed me by lying back down. My body seemed more exhausted than it appeared to be.

“Stop being a lazy ass and get out of bed” Genesis remarked as he began to walk out with Jaden “You have five minutes to be downstairs”

“This isn’t fair” I groaned out but I doubted they heard me because they had already gone. Already frustrated, I moaned and slowly got of bed to begin getting ready.

When I was almost done getting ready, I heard someone knock lightly on my door “It’s Jaden, are you ready?” He asked in a quiet tone.

“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute” I told him as I pulled my shirt over my head. “Meet us out in front of the house” Jaden further commanded.

As soon as I was done dressing up, I snuck downstairs as quietly as I could because I didn’t want to wake up Jemima and Ellen. I gently opened the front door and let myself out into the dark- Dawn hadn’t appeared yet.

Jaden and Genesis were already seated in the car; Jaden was in front of the wheel, while Genesis was seated in the front passenger seat.

Truth be told, I detested seating down at the back seat of any car, mainly because the backseat had limited viewing to explicit sights.

Reluctantly, I got into the car. “It’s really not fair I get the back seat” I immediately muttered as I got in.

“Such is life” Jaden replied me as he began driving off into the dark morning.

I rolled my eyes at his unclear reply “Can I please stay in front” I asked Genesis nicely from the dreaded back seat.

“Well-” Genesis pretended to put his hand on his face as a thinking gesture. “How about a compromise?” He solicited.

“I take the first three hours while you take the next three?”

“Sure” I eyed him sheepishly and accepted.

My intuition told me I was going to have a lot of clashes with these guys on this trip, and funny how my intuition was right.

To start off with, I wanted to listen to NF on the music player in the car but both Jaden and Genesis wanted to listen to Drake.

Since they were both seating in front they made me listen to Drake and I couldn’t help but wonder who would pick Drake over NF.

NF was totally it for me
Jaden had packed some snacks from the fridge and had made some sandwiches to take along.

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