Chapter 58 - Quean

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I couldn't believe my own very eyes and I had to blink numerous times to see if I was seeing right.

"Who are those?" Jaden pointed to the two people behind Zoey and Genesis.

"Ms Redwood and Sully" I found the courage to breathe out.

Jaden creased his eyebrows in confusion "Wasn't Sully the name of the girl you wanted to rescue? - And Ms Redwood the name of your foster parent?"

Painfully, I nodded my head as Jaden threw those very facts into my face like a hot slap. I couldn't believe the girl I wanted to save was part of Victor's team.

How could I have been so stupid? I watched as both traitors walked up to Victor with Zoey and Genesis being held hostages.

Both their hands were tied behind their back meaning there was no way they could run away. Their mouths were also shut tight with some kind of tape or something.

Genesis' had a calm composure while Zoey was fidgeting and kept staring at me oddly like I was a monster of some sorts. 

"Sully, is that really you?" I enquired. I was trying to convince myself that this person that looked like Sully was not actually my Sully.

For all we knew, it could be another person or probably she was brainwashed or something.

Sully stared at me for quite some time before finally responding "I'm sorry things had to turn out this way"

She sighed "My name isn't actually Sully but rather Maria"

Anguish washed through me and I felt some sort of pain in my chest. The worst kind of betrayal is from those whom you trusted with your whole heart.

"Why- No, I trusted you" I exclaimed with tears rolling down my cheeks "I trusted you" I murmured.

My vision was blurry as tears kept pouring down my face. I felt someone put his arms around me and I pretty much assumed it was Jaden because I knew Lucas wasn't the touchy type.

He used his hands to clean my tears away and he held me at that moment because if he hadn't, God knows I would fallen to my knees.

To be fair, I wasn't even surprised that Ms Redwood was bad because I had suspected she was but Sully?- This was all too much to take in.

"I'm sorry" A voice I knew belonged to Sully or Maria said "I didn-"

She was cut off by Victor "It's good to know, you've met my daughter Maria and her mother- Catherine"

My ears had to be deceiving "Yo-you me-mean Sully is your dau-daughter a-and Ms-ms Re-Redwood is yo-your w-wife?" I stuttered as I whipped my head up.

Victor smirked and answered ever so eagerly "Yes" I couldn't see Maria's face because she was bending it but I could see Ms Redwood's face and I saw that she was wearing a wicked grin.

Everything I had told Sully, she had told Victor and Ms Redwood and to think I was worried about her safety this whole time.

People ain't shit.

My supposed friendship with Sully was a lie. I thought I had found a friend in her but turns out she was just like Anjola and Cherry- Fake.

I had to admit that I was exhausted from all these happenings, I just wanted my siblings back, so we could disappear forever.

"Please, we would give the stone totem, please just let all of them go" I sniffed away my tears "I beg you" I pleaded as I faced Victor.

The pain from everything was getting too unbearable.

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