Chapter 10 - Panache

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“Hey kid, are you lost or what?” A security guard yelled breaking me out from my reminisce

I had been so lost in my reminisce that I hadn't noticed the security guard nearby


I cleared my throat and prepped myself up to speak

“Not really, I’m here to see Dr Matt” I replied with utter audaciousness.

After that reminisce, I was determined to go through with this. I had to do this for myself, for my dad- I had to find out why he disintegrated into thin air

His death couldn’t be for nothing.

The security guard dared to laugh “Who are you here with kiddo?”

“I came all the way here by myself” I confidently told him without blinking an eyelash.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Dr Matt is a very busy man and has no time for pesky little children” He had the guts to tell me while still laughing

Wasn’t he just a mere security guard?

“I wasn’t asking you for permission to see Dr Matt now, was I?” I looked him straight in the eye “You are clearly a security guard not the manager of this establishment, so don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. Do your job and guard this damn place” I snapped.

I honestly didn’t know what gave me confidence- probably it was the new hairstyle that gave me the confidence boost, or possibly it was just the memory of my dad that triggered me – Or perhaps I was just tired of people treating me like shit.

Either ways, I stood up for myself and that was what truly mattered.

The security guard looked gobsmacked and I used the opportunity to leave him as I headed straight into the building.

As I entered into the building, I bumped into a few people on the way. After a quick look around, I saw a long staircase going up. I climbed the stair case and went up.

When I had reached the top of the stair case, I sighted a woman sitting on a chair with a table in front of her. I had no doubt she was the secretary. I went up to her and rang the bell in front of her to gain her attention.

If confident bought my way in, I figured I still had to maintain that same certitude to be taken seriously.

“I want to see Dr Matt” I said with conviction and with a professional voice

She didn’t look up “What time is your appointment scheduled?” The secretary asked me

Which appointment? I didn’t book any appointment.

But I wasn’t going to allow my newfound confidence falter, so I opted to play along to the tunes
“Four” I replied her convincingly.

She opened a book to check if there was actually an appointment by four. I crossed my fingers and prayed silently to God to make this work

“You are Miss Alex?” She asked not bothering to look up still

“Yes” I told her with assertion

She made a phone call probably to Dr Matt- “Miss Alex is here for her appointment by four sir”

I could definitely pass as Miss Alex if this woman didn’t bother looking up to see me. She paused for a minute to listen to whatever the person at the other end said “Okay” she said to the person on the phone

She put the phone down “Dr Matt said he has been waiting for you since ma’am, you can go in and see him now” The secretary said still not bothering to look up.

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