Chapter 62 - Quatervois

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I cleared my throat to bring both of us back to reality "What do we do now?"

Were we going to run away to find Jaden and the others? I wanted to profoundly apologize to them and if it took my whole life to beg for their forgiveness, I would do so.

"Yeah-"Lucas began scratching his head uncomfortably "I didn't really get to tell the remaining part of the story because of your outburst"

"Wow" I uttered as I created a reasonable amount of space between us "What's the other part?" I queried.

"Do you recall that Victor is in possession of the stone totem?" Lucas probed.


"He just realized he doesn't need the ashes of all three of you anymore. Since you have all three ethereal powers, he plans to unleash the full power of the stone totem with solely your ashes"

"Oh" I said rather abruptly- Why wasn't I surprised? "You never really said the true powers of the stone totem" I remembered I had asked him earlier what the stone totem was capable of and he had given me a non-existent answer.

But now things were truly different.

"The stone totem has the power to transform the world by destroying all the darkness of the world"

"Really?" I made myself stand up from where I was seated and Lucas nodded his head.

Immediately, I brought out my hands in a questioning manner "Destroying the darkness of the world doesn't seem like a bad idea to me" I told Lucas of my opinion.

"I mean it was my very darkness that got me into this position" I backed up my statement.

For the first time, I agreed with Victor with what he was trying to do but Lucas shook his head.

"Destroying the darkness in the world would mean you're destroying the whole human race because one way or the other, everyone has a certain amount of darkness in them" Lucas made me understand.

"Woah" I exclaimed- This was some scary shit going on.

"A new world would come into place and that's exactly what Victor wants- A new transformed world free from darkness" Lucas added.

"And he needs my ashes?" I probed as I crossed my hands.

"Well yeah, but-"Lucas began saying still seated on the floor "From my knowledge, there is another alternative"

"Okay?" I urged him to go on.

He got up and dusted off the hay from his clothes "Since you have the three ethereal elements within you, you could just concentrate the three powers of all three elements and hit the stone totem with it"

"And the stone totem should break apart" Lucas chimed in.

"That's all?" I enquired from Lucas and he confirmed by nodding his head.

"Wait" He paused, grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him "Do you want to go through with this?"

After blinking my eyes severally, I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know" I honestly replied.

"Alina?" He queried.

"I actually don't know" I replied him as I shook my head "But think about it though- A new world free from darkness: everyone would live freely and no one would worry about the possibility of being resented"

Lucas sighed "It's all fickle, trust me" He informed "Darkness would always seep in one way or the other"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes "But I really want to know how the darkness would destroy the whole world when we are in Philia"

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