Chapter 53 - Alharaca

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Afterwards, I went along with Lucas back to the car. I opened the door leading to the front passenger seat and got in. Lucas got into the backseat too. I was elated we had finally gotten the stone totem.

All we had to do now, was to get back to Philia and rescue Zoey and Sully.

My thoughts trailed off to Genesis. I squeezed my eyes as I realized he hadn't even tried telepathically communicating with me. I had to admit that was strange of him.

Genesis and I had taken advantage of the telepathic connection we had with each other to communicate at odd times- So it was quite puzzling to realize that he hadn't even tried reaching out to me.

"Hm" My thoughts got to the tips of my lips.

"What?" Lucas asked me from the back.

"It's just-" I shook my head as I became conscious that I was over emphasizing a trivial case  "Don't worry, it's nothing" I quickly replied and covered up.

"C'mon Alina, you can talk to me" He calmly said convincingly.

"Well, it's Genesis" I explained as I exhaled nosily "We have this telepathic connection between each other and I'm just stunned that he hasn't bothered reaching out yet"

Silent washed through the car when I was done explaining what was troubling me to Lucas.

Didn't he just hear me pouring out my fear to him or was he asleep? I peered at the back to see what he was doing. I saw that he had his hands on his face in a brooding stance.


"Come closer" He commanded me all of a sudden. I rose up both my eyebrows- Was he okay?

"I assure you that I'm not mad" Lucas discounted my suspicions "Just come closer" He begged.

After much persuasion, I decided to draw myself closer to him. I was seated in front, so I had to turn backwards and lean to the back a little.

When I had brought myself to the back, he placed both his hands on my temple and closed his eyes.

About a minute later, he opened his eyes "I knew it" He uttered hastily as he put his hands down.

"You knew what?"

Lucas smacked his teeth together "Your mind" He emphasized.

"What about my mind?"

"It blocked him away from communicating with you"

"Come again?" I couldn't conceal the shock and confusion from appearing on my face.

"It's hard to explain" He hesitated "If I am right, you are the one that has the telepathic power, not Genesis or Zoey"

"Has Genesis ever telepathically communicated with you first?"  Lucas enquired from me.

"Yes" I replied him. They were many times he had communicated with me telepathically first without me initiating it. Like that time when we were at Aaron's party and he had asked me where we were.

"Where you subconsciously thinking about him or what he could be thinking of?" Lucas continued probing.

"N-no, sorry I-I me-mean, y-yes?" I stuttered. I was thoroughly confused at what he was trying to bring out from this.

"What you are saying doesn't make sense" I turned myself forward and went back to sit in the passenger's seat.

He had clearly insinuated that I was the one with the telepathic powers, not Genesis.

Lucas had also suggested the times Genesis had talked telepathically to me first was when I allowed him too by thinking about him, or putting him in my thoughts- How absurd did that sound? I was about asking him how he knew this when Jaden entered into the car.

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