Chapter 13 - Epiphany

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The next morning, I got up refreshed and happy even though my whole body was aching me. I checked the time and saw that it was past eleven.

Shit. I had overslept- I hadn’t realized my body was over worn out.

Hastily, I jumped out from bed and headed straight to the bathroom. While, I was taking my bath, I observed some bruises on my body. I had no idea where they had appeared from, so I just shrugged them off.

When I was done bathing, I went to my room to dress up.
It appeared on that fateful morning, I was extremely conscious about my outer look for an unknown reason. I took my time that morning to combine my outfit for the day.

After I was done dressing up, I went to the dining to have breakfast but the dining was empty and so I retreated to the kitchen.

Immediately I entered into the kitchen, I spotted a note on the fridge. I grabbed it off and read it-

“Alina, I came to your room to call you down for breakfast and saw that you were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful. I left your breakfast in the microwave. Jemima and Jaden are off to school and I’m off to work. Matt said he was working from home today. See you after work- Ellen”

While groaning, I opened the microwave and saw pancakes. I was literally salivating because I was really hungry. I took the pancakes out from the microwave and rushed it down my throat hungrily. I washed it down with orange juice.

After I had breakfast, I decided to look for Dr Matt “Dr Matt” I shouted as a means to call him but no one answered. I looked into every room but he wasn’t in any and he had promised me that he would see me in the morning.

That backstabbing son of a-
Suddenly, I heard a door being opened with a bang. I could also hear the faint voices of people talking

“Thanks for coming at such short notice” I recognized the voice to be Dr Matt’s own

“It’s really no big deal” A male domineering voice answered him. Who where this people? “Where is she?” The male domineering voice asked.

And then it clicked. The voice belonged to John, the last protector. He had brought my brother- Genesis.

Since voices seemed to sound from there sitting room, I directed myself towards there.

As I got to the sitting room, I saw a familiar face staring at me. I said “Daniel” the same time the not so called stranger said “Cali”

Indeed, this was really a small world. I deduced that Daniel was the supposed brother I was really excited to see.

Why hadn’t I put two and two together- Dr Matt had clearly said that Genesis’ father had been married twice. That was Genesis father’s profile.

Both John and Dr Matt exchanged glances with each other “You two know each other?” Dr Matt asked me.

“Most definitely” Daniel answered on my behalf “She’s my chem. buddy, ain’t that right?” He winked at me to assert his claim.

“Yeah” I responded with a cheshire grin on.

They looked so shocked that I was tempted to laugh out loud. I highly doubted if Genesis knew that I was his sister.

“Your new hair color looks great on you, Cali” Daniel complimented me. Not once did I ever consider the thought of being related to Daniel until now.

While staring at Daniel, I tried looking for signs that we were related. I observed he had black hair and the natural color of my hair was black before I dyed it auburn. The color of his eyes were also brown like mine.

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