Chapter 55 - Ethereal

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"You said I was an ethereal being- What does that mean?" I directed my question to Lucas, who was seated at the back of the passenger's seat.

We were presently on the way to the old harbor; Jaden was driving with great speed to get us there fast.

I looked into the rearview mirror to see if Lucas was asleep, since he hadn't responded to my question. I saw that he was gazing out the wound down window beside him.

"Lucas" I gently called his name. Jaden was busy concentrating on driving to butt in the conversation I was having with Lucas.

From the rearview mirror, I saw him turn his head and blink his eyes numerous times. He seemed lost in thought. 

"What?" He asked.

"You said I was an ethereal being- What does that mean?" I sighed and reiterated my previous question again loudly for him to hear. I was too distracted the other time to ask what he had meant.

He had said that ethereal elements were Darkness, Spirit and Light. And he had also said we were ethereal beings meaning we possessed the powers right?

"You triplets each represent one of the ethereal elements" He informed me.

"Like an emblem?" Jaden probed. I looked over to him and saw that his eyes were focused on the road.

"Something like that" Lucas responded. He had gone back to his previous stance of looking out the window with a contemplative composure.

"Do they have powers?" Jaden enquired from his seat. I hitched my breath expectantly waiting for Lucas to reply Jaden's question.

Not once had I have thought I was capable of having super powers- What if I had powers?

"Who knows" I caught a glimpse of Lucas shrugging his shoulders in the rear view mirror "Even if they do, I'm sure they would need the ashes to activate the powers" I furrowed my eyebrows.

It seemed everything boiled down to the ashes. I genuinely wondered why Victor wanted so much to activate the stone totem so bad.

Everything was happening too fast to take in.

What I had found out so far was that- Apparently my mom wanted children so badly that she went to a warlock.

The warlock healed her womb using the mixture of the ashes of both the Black Phoenix and E-Phoenix. The ashes were healing and transformative in nature and reacted with her outcast nature.

Her womb was healed and Victor got her pregnant. Then, she gave birth to triplets that had an ethereal power each.

Did I miss any part?

Oh yeah, my dad- Victor, wants to cremate my brother, sister and I, in order to use our ethereal ashes to unlock the power of the stone totem which I have no knowledge what is capable of.

And also, I just found out, I might have powers – ethereal powers.

Nothing out of the ordinary if you ask me.

"Which am I of the ethereal elements?" I asked. Since we each represented an ethereal element- Light, Spirit and Darkness, which was I? 

"I have no idea" Lucas sharply answered without turning his face away from staring outside.

Blurting out liar was at the tip of my tongue but I resisted the urge from blurting it out.

My eyes couldn't stop themselves from rolling. I could literally count the amount of times he had said 'I have no idea' this night. It was clear Lucas wasn't to be trusted.

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